Release 141 Notes

R141 Sprint: 6/3/2024 to 7/2/2024. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release Schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

Change in Functionality




Made Additional Changes to Payroll Batch Retrieval Process

Following the initial changes to the Payroll Batch Retrieval process in ClientSpace Release 139 (Case # 60351), additional changes have been made to simplify and improve the Payroll Batch retrieval process. Previously, we retrieved basic payroll batch information first. After the batch was marked complete in Prism, we retrieved the billing vouchers, pay groups, and costs based on employee count information for processing. With the old method we were also not retrieving Remote Cutoff Date and Delivery Method field values. Now, the process is as follows:

  • Remote Cutoff Date and Delivery Method field values, if present, are now retrieved with the initial batch.

  • We retrieve the batch status from Prism.

    • If the batch is not Complete in Prism, we do not process it. The batch status remains in the status it is in (Pending, Reporting, etc.)

    • If the batch is Complete in Prism, that signals ClientSpace to place a check mark in the Sync with PrismHR checkbox on the Payroll batch record which triggers the Prism Import Payroll Batch Sync scheduled process (described below) to run at the appropriate time.

  • As before, the PrismHR Import Payroll Batch Ongoing scheduled process runs first to process basic payroll information.

  • Then, if the Sync with PrismHR checkbox is checked, the Prism Import Payroll Batch Sync process runs and billing vouchers, pay groups, and costs based on employee count information are processed. The Prism Import Payroll Batch Sync is set to run on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and is Active by default.

Note: Previously, an intermediate status of Batch Complete Pending Vouchers was applied to a batch record when billing vouchers, pay groups and costs based on employee count remained to be processed and the PrismHR Payroll Batch Complete scheduled process was used to process the information. Now that the process has been revised, the Batch Complete Pending Vouchers status and PrismHR Payroll Batch Complete scheduled process are no longer needed and will be removed in a future release.

See Configuring the Payroll Batch Scheduled Processes and Scheduled Processes.

ClientSpace Premium




Removed References to PRM Benefits Underwriting from ClientSpace

All references to Prospective Risk Management (PRM) Benefits Underwriting have been removed from the ClientSpace system as PRM Benefits Underwriting functionality is no longer used in ClientSpace.


Enhanced SIDES Claims Processing to Handle Claims Stuck in Processing Greater Than Two Hours

Previously, an issue sometimes occurred when a secure connection could not be made to the SIDES broker. The issue caused SIDES claims submitted for processing to remain indefinitely in "Processing" status. The system now automatically resubmits claims for processing that have been stuck in "Processing" status for more than two hours.

See SIDES Claim Status Definitions and Processing SIDES Claims.


Added Effective Date Validation of Benefits Batch and Offered Benefit Plans

A new Validate OBP to BB Effective Date business rule (System Admin > Advanced > Manage Rules) was added to trigger a soft error message when you attempt to save an Offered Benefit Plan(OBP) associated with a Benefits Batch where the OBP Effective Date does not match the Effective Date on the Benefits Batch:

"This [OBPName] Offered Benefit Plan's effective date XX/XX/XXXX does not match the associated Benefit Batches effective date of XX/XX/XXXX."

You can click Save Anyway to bypass the message.


Added Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export

A Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export merge has been added. It is used to export billing rules to PrismHR via their built in import functionality. This includes Offered Benefit Plans and plan pricing details.

See Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export.


Added Client Benefit Plans Export

A Client Benefit Plans Export merge has been added. It is used to export benefit plans to PrismHR via their built in import functionality. This includes plan setup details and rate groups. Run the merge from a Benefits Batch by clicking the Client Benefit Plans link located in the Action Center under Reports.

See Client Benefit Plans Export.

Advanced Administration




Added Manage Imports "Error Log File" Option

An Error Log File option has been added to the Manage Import Details window to assist in troubleshooting records which failed to import. Access the option by opening an import record on the Manage Import dashboard (System Admin > Imports > Manage Import) and then clicking Error Log File in the Action Center of the Manage Import Details window.

The error log file is generated and saved to your Windows Downloads folder as a .csv file. The file name is the same as the original import file name with "_error" appended to the end of it. The generated file includes rows that failed to import so that you can easily identify, fix and reupload the rows that caused an error.



  • The Error Log File option is only displayed if rows did not import from the orginal file.

  • The error log file does not include warnings, only rows that did not import from the orginal file.

  • The error log file includes an OriginalRowNumber column which shows the original row number of the failed row in the import file and an Error column which details why the row failed to import.

See Managing Import Data.


Added DocuSign Process Improvements

DocuSign process improvements have been made to better manage document retrieval, to handle archiving of unsigned documents, and to improve processing of upload failures.

The following changes have been made:

  • Added a new default API configuration parameter called DocuSignRequestDays: The DocuSignRequestDays "Additional Parameters" setting (System Admin > Advanced > API Configuration), with a default value of 1, allows a docusign envelope to be reviewed for retrieval into ClientSpace by the DocuSign Request Signature scheduled process if a document status change is equal to or less than 1 day old. You can change the default value to suit your preferences.


    Note: The purpose of this setting is to prevent envelopes that have already been examined from being included in the retrieval process again if they are still in the same status. With this parameter in place, a document is only retrieved when a document status change is equal to or less than the specified number of days.

  • Added a new DocuSign Signature Status of DS Failure and automatic retries: A DS Failure status has been added to the Signature Status lookup group (System Admin > Lookups). The DS Failure status displays in the Uploaded Files Queue (System Admin > Imports > Uploaded Files Queue) on a DocuSign upload record when a failure occurs in DocuSign. The system will automatically retry uploading documents in DS Failure status (typically up to 5 times, depending on the RetryCount value in the DocuSign API settings) and will then stop trying.


    Note: The RetryCount setting is an existing parameter in the DocuSign API configuration. It has a default value of 5 and was already being used for records in CS Failure status (i.e., the status used to indicate a ClientSpace upload failure). ClientSpace now also uses this parameter to determine how many additional upload attempts to make when there is a DS Failure.

  • Added a new DocuSign Signature Status of Archived and updated the scheduled process to automatically move old documents to Archived status:  An Archived status has been added to the Signature Status lookup group. The Archived status displays in the Uploaded Files Queue on any document that is not signed or voided in 120 days.

See Configuring the API Record and Viewing Document Statuses in the DocuSign Process.


Added SetFieldFromSalesEntity Business Rule Method

The new rule sets a field on a form from a field on a Sales Entity dataform (System Admin > Administrative Data > Sales Entity) when the Client Master dataform is saved. Example:Update the Contract Effective Date on the Client Master with the Effective Date on the Sales Entity record.


The Sales Entity form used to update the TargetField is identified by matching the assigned user in the Sales Rep field and Contract Type on the Client Master with the sales entity record. If there is more than one Sales Entity form that matches the criteria, the Sales Entity form with the Is Primary flag checked is used.


Method Parameters:

  • SalesEntityField: Field name on the Sales Entity form used to update the TargetField on the TargetForm.

    Note: The field will allow non system fields (i.e., fields beginning with z_).

  • TargetForm: Dataform to which the data will be copied. Must be a single form in the same workspace.

    Note: #ThisForm can be used when TargetForm is Client Master.

  • TargetField: Field on the TargetForm to be set. Must match the datatype of the SalesEntityField.

See Business Rule Methods.


Added Kandu Deals Sales Form

A new Kandu Deals sales form has been added to Dataform Administration (System Admin >Advanced > Dataform Admin). This form is used to track information related to deals. You can track deals for new and existing customers by specifying a Customer Type of New or Existing.

The Kandu Deals sales form can be added as a custom link to the Client Master dataform.

See Tracking Deals Information.


Added Initial Import Form to Schedule One or More PrismHR Initial Imports

A new Initial Import form has been added (System Admin >Advanced > Dataform Admin). The form is accessible in the Admin Workspace and works in both multi-tenant and single-tenant environments. It allows you to run specific types of Initial Imports for PrismHR. For instance, you can run an initial import for a single API configuration, several API configurations, or all API configurations.


Note: The form is secured to the Developer role. If you need help configuring imports, please contact your ClientSpace Professional Services representative.


Once you complete an Initial Import form in the Admin workspace, you click the Queue Me link to queue the record for the scheduled process. When the scheduled process runs, it references only the API configurations, Import mappings, and client Import IDs referenced on queued, Active Initial Import forms.


Note: A new scheduled process named PrismHR Scheduled Initial has been added to support this feature.

See Completing the Initial Import Form and Scheduled Processes.


Enhanced Workflow Channel Condition Expression Validation

Previously, the Workflow Channel condition expression validation procedure did not check for condition expressions using a NOT operator without a preceding AND or OR. Example: C4 NOT C5 instead of C4 AND NOT C5. This caused exception errors when the workflow was triggered. Now, condition expression validation checks for conditions using NOT without a preceding AND or OR. When you attempt to save the invalid condition, the following error displays:

"Please correct the following error(s): The workflow's conditions require attention. The Condition Expression is not valid."

68105, 68428

Added New Initial Import Scheduled Process for PrismHR

 A new scheduled process named PrismHR Scheduled Initial has been added to support the previously described Initial Import Form enhancement (Case# 66351). Once you complete an Initial Import form in the Admin workspace and click Queue Me, the record for the PrismHR Scheduled Initial scheduled process is queued to run at the designated time defined on the scheduled process record.

See Completing the Initial Import Form and Scheduled Processes.


Added HCM Import API

This case adds initial import and ongoing import functionality for Prism HCM.

See Importing to ClientSpace from HCM Using Initial Import Sync and Importing to ClientSpace from HCM Using Ongoing Import.

General Enhancements




Added Progress Bar Widget

A new Progress Bar widget has been added (System Admin > Widget Layouts). The Progress Bar is a living status bar designed to display at the top of a dataform. It updates when a user sets a status on a dataform lookup and that dataform lookup field is the field configured to populate the Progress Bar.

For example, use the Status field on the Client Service Case dataform to populate the Progress Bar with case statuses. When a user makes a status change to the case, the Progress Bar reflects the change.

The current status displays with a dark blue background, prior statuses display with a lighter blue background while future statuses display with a gray background:

Clicking the current status once collapses the prior statuses:

Clicking the current status a second time returns the progress bar to its prior state.

Available widget configuration settings allow you to:

  • Select the dataform lookup field used to build the list of statuses displayed in the widget (up to twenty).

    Note: The order that items display as well as whether the items display at all is controlled by the lookup value Display Order. If no Display Order is associated with a lookup value, it does not display. See Configuring lookups for details.

  • Display or hide the widget border.

  • Set a widget title, use a default title, or hide the widget title.

  • Adjust the default widget frame size.

See Widget: Progress Bar.



Issue summary



Corrected Contribution Calculation on OBP Import when Company Contribution is Null

Previously, when Offered Benefit Plans were imported to PrismHR, the Company Contribution field was used to populate the Max Dollar Amount for each coverage level. This calculation method works only when the Company Contribution field contains a value. This calculation method did not work on plans with banded rates where the Company Contribution was Null. Now, a new calculation method is used to calculate the Max Dollar Amount for each coverage level when the Company Contribution is Null.


Corrected Bootstrap-Related Field Label Display Issue

Previously, if you selected a percentage calculation (such as % Admin) in the Commission Type field on the Commission dataform, the Commission Type field label no longer displayed properly. This issue was related to Bootstrap v5.0 user interface changes introduced in ClientSpace release 137. A change was made to correct the extra spacing and improper wrapping of field labels related to Bootstrap v5.0.


Corrected Issue Using _SetFieldFromRelatedForm Business Rule when Parent Form and Child Form Have the Same Dataform Type

Previously, when using the _SetFieldFromRelatedForm business rule where the child and parent form were in a linked relationship and both dataforms had the same dataform type, the rule incorrectly attempted to update the Parent Source form field instead of the Child Target field because it could not distinguish between two forms of the same dataform type. Now, the _SetFieldFromRelatedForm rule works when the Parent and Child forms are of the same dataform type.


Corrected Email Template Triggering Incorrectly on ClientSpace API Patch Method

Previously, when a form with tabs was updated using the ClientSpace API Patch method, tabs that were omitted from the patch changes were marked as changed, which incorrectly triggered email notifications. Now, omitted tabs are not marked as changed, and email notifications are only sent if the related form or tab was changed.