SIDES Claim Status Definitions

Below is a list of claim statuses related to SIDES claims and their definitions.

Claim Status



Received is the initial status of a claim when it is imported from SIDES into ClientSpace for the first time.

Information Requested

The claim status automatically changes from Received to Information Requested once you click Begin Processing Claim in the Action Center Workflow section to begin completing the state's questionnaire. This status indicates you are in the process of answering the claim.


The claim status automatically changes to Queued after you complete the questionnaire, click Submit to SIDES and the claim passes pre-submission validation in ClientSpace. The claim remains in Queued status until it is exported to SIDES. 


Note: The scheduled process to export submitted SIDES claims, import new SIDES claims, and send/receive responses to submitted claims runs every hour. Note that some states may only upload new claims once per day.

Reply Failure (SIDES)

Reply Failure (SIDES) is an unsuccessful status that can occur after Queued status. This status indicates that the claim was sent to SIDES but when SIDES tried to accept the claim, there was a data issue or a missing requirement that was not captured by the ClientSpace pre-submission validation process.


Processing is an interim procedural status used by the ClientSpace system only. Although it is listed in the Claim Status drop down list, it is not a status that you assign. The Processing status is assigned by ClientSpace to identify a claim as already submitted to SIDES so that the scheduled process will skip over it. This prevents duplicated submissions.


Note: Sometimes, when a secure connection cannot be made to the SIDES broker, SIDES claims submitted for processing can become stuck in "Processing" status. The system automatically resubmits claims for processing that have been stuck in "Processing" status for more than two hours.


The claim status automatically changes to Amending once you click the Amend the Response link to complete an amendment requested by the state. Clicking Resubmit to SIDES link places the claim back into Queued status so that the scheduled process can send the amendment to SIDES.

Decision Pending

The Decision Pending claim status is not specific to SIDES claims, but is used for claims management, including SIDES claims management. In relation to SIDES claims, Decision Pending is the status received from SIDES after SIDES has received the claim and has all the information required to make a decision on the claim. This status often follows the Queued status (if the claim was successfully submitted).

Claim Answered (SIDES)

Claim Answered (SIDES) is a successful status received from SIDES indicating that the claim has been processed and the PEO has satisfied the response. Note that this may or may not indicate a final claim disposition. It is, however, the last automatically applied status. For example, if a claimant contests a decision that is not in their favor and wants to file an appeal, you may initiate an appeal and manually change the status from Claim Answered (SIDES) to a different status (such as On Appeal).

On Appeal, Determination, and other statuses

You may see other statuses listed in the Claim Status lookup list. These statuses are manual statuses used for general claims management and may vary depending on your configuration.


For example, as mentioned in an earlier example, you could set a contested claim to On Appeal when a claimant files an appeal Then, once all appeals are exhausted and the state makes a final determination, you could set the claim status to Determination.

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