Release 142 Notes

R142 Sprint: 7/1/2024 to 7/31/2024. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release Schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

ClientSpace Premium




Added Filter By Form and Description Column to WC Claim Document Search

The following enhancements have been made to the WC Claim Document Search form to facilitate filtering for documents associated with a specific form (i.e., Comp Claim, Comp Claim Financial, Comp Claim Injury, etc.) and viewing the document description:

  • Added Description column.


    • The Description value comes from the Description field on the Upload File window used to add the attachment to the Comp Claim. If Description was left blank on the Upload File window, it is blank on the WC Claim Document Search.

    • The Description column on the WC Claim Document Search is sortable.

    • Up to 100 characters of the Description displays in the grid. However, you can still search the entire file description.

  • Added a Form field under More search to allow filtering by form. Select the desired form from the drop down list.

See Workers' Comp Claim Document Search .


Added "Employee Identifier" Quick Search Parameter to WC Claims Search Dashboard

An Employee Identifier (equals) Quick Search parameter has been added to the WC Claims Search Dashboard. Entering a valid Employee Identifier returns a list of associated claims.


  • You must enter an exact match to return results. Entering a partial ID will not return any records.

  • If the ID is used in multiple workspaces, results from all workspaces where the ID is found are included in the results.


Added New Comp Claim Merge Procedure to Email Templates

A new merge procedure, peo_merge_compclaim_emailtemplate, has been added to Email Template configuration (System Admin > Email Templates). Select the new procedure from the Merge Procedure field on the Initial tab of Email Template configuration.

Email Template Initial Tab with Comp Claim Merge Proc Highlighted

The new merge procedure allows for additional merge fields to be used on a Comp Claim-related email template (such as a FROI) through the See Replace Fields link on the Content tab of the Email Template configuration.

Related to Case# 67744.


Added First Report of Injury (FROI) Email Template and Custom Link

A new First Report of Injury (FROI) Email Template has been added to Email Template configuration (System Admin > Email Templates). It uses the new merge procedure, peo_merge_compclaim_emailtemplate.

Use the new template to send an FROI email to an insurance carrier, client, or internal team member notifying them of a new Worker's Compensation claim. The template is immediately usable as it is once you set up your email recipients on the Addresses tab of the email template configuration and publish the template (which is unpublished by default.) However, you can further customize the existing template if necessary.

Note: Once the template is published, you can send an FROI from a Comp Claim by clicking Send FROI under Workflow in the Action Center.

Related to Case# 65222.


See Configuring First Report of Injury Notifications in ClientSpaceand Administering a Workers' Comp claim.


Added Ability to Import a Single OBP from PrismHR

Previously, the Offered Benefit Plan import feature (accessed by clicking the OBP Import link on a Benefits Batch record) only allowed you to import all OBPs associated with the Benefits Batch. Now, if you are running an import to update existing OBPs (i.e., Action = Update Only), you can select Single Plan from the new Option field and then select the OBP to import from the new Plan field.

See Using the PrismHR Benefits Batch Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Import.


Added DocuSign Benefit Renewal Merge Record and Link

In ClientSpace Release 139, we added a Benefits Renewal merge procedure that extracts Benefits Plan details and Benefits Batch data from ClientSpace into an Excel Spreadsheet so that you can analyze and compare the offered benefits for each benefits plan in a batch.


In the current ClientSpace Release 142, we have taken that same merge procedure and used it to create a DocuSign Benefit Renewal merge record and custom link. The merge record and link are Active in the current release for all present and future Benefits module implementations.


Clicking the link generates a Benefit Renewal Document Merge Template Excel file in your Windows Downloads folder. The RenewalPlans tab displays a summary of selected OBPs and the ClientRenewalNotes tab displays exported notes from the Client Renewal Notes field on the Benefits Batch record.


Note: In a future release, we will create a DocuSign Benefit Renewal Email Template. Once completed, you can use it to send a spreadsheet containing a summary of selected offered benefits to clients and approval on their selected Offered Benefit Plans using DocuSign. (You could also create your own DocuSign Benefit Renewal Email template using the elements that are already in place.)


You may also choose to use this document as is to obtain a signature without DocuSign, as it is a summary of selected OBPs, and there are placeholders in the document for a signature and signature date.

See the Getting OBP Approval Using DocuSign section of the Benefits Renewal Merge topic.


Added New Fields to Benefits Renewal Merge Workbook

The following fields have been added to the CSExport tab of the Benefits Renewal Merge workbook:

  • Batch Effective Date: Effective date of the benefits batch.

  • Child Companies: Comma-separated list of child company names. Includes the PEOID and Client Number in parentheses next to each child company name. EX: Joe's Burgers (798::012452)

  • Client Renewal: Displays notes from the Client Renewal Notes field on the Benefits Batch record.


Completed "Suppress From Presentation" for Benefits Renewal Merge

Previously, in ClientSpace Release 140, a Suppress From Presentation checkbox was added to the Benefits Plan form as a placeholder field for future development. The development is now complete. You can now click Suppress From Presentation to exclude a plan from the Benefits Renewal Merge workbook (which is generated when you run a Benefits Renewal Merge to create a benefits plan comparison.)

Suppress from Presentation Checkbox

See Benefits Renewal Merge.


Added New Fields to Benefit Groups Dataform

Two new fields have been added to the Benefit Groups Dataform:

  • Effective Date

  • Cafeteria Contribution

Benefit Groups Dataform with new Effective Date and Cafeteria Contribution Fields Shown

Advanced Administration




Improved "Assume User" Dataform Audit Trail Tracking and Limited Multi-Layer User Assumption

The following enhancements were made to "Assume User" tracking:

  • The Assumed By User column was added to the Dataform Audit Trail (which is accessed by clicking the Audit Trail icon in the Action Center of an audited dataform). It shows the user who made the change. The original user is still shown in the Login ID column.

    Dataform Audit Trail


    • This change does not update historical Audit Trail data. The change is applied to Dataform Audit Trail data in ClientSpace R142 or later.

    • The change only applies to audited dataforms. Core forms such as Organizations, Contacts, or Tasks are not affected.

  • "Assume User" can now only be applied one layer deep. Example: As a Global Admin, you cannot assume another Global Admin and then attempt to assume a third user while already working under an assumed user.

    Note: If you attempt to assume another user's login while already working under an assumed login, the following error message displays: "Cannot Assume User. Assuming a user is not allowed for an already-assumed user."

SeeViewing Audit Trails.


Improved Import Log File Error Messages for Update Only and Import Only Imports with Invalid or Missing Import IDs

Previously, when you ran an import that was configured with an Import Action of Update or Insert (System Admin >Advanced > Configure Import), if there were records without a valid Import ID, the Log File error message did not specify a reason for the import failure. This made it difficult to find and correct records with errors.


EX: The "Import ID" column is required for data row [Row Number].


Now, Log File errors include a detailed import failure reason:


EX Error for Update Only Imports: Dataform Insert Not Allowed for data row [Row Number] [Import ID]: - This Import Map configuration only allows Updates, not Inserts of new records. No existing record was found based on the Record Source Column.


EX Errors for Insert Only Imports:

  • Dataform Update Not Allowed for data row [Row Number] [Import ID]: - This Import Map configuration only allows Inserts. A record was found based on the Record Source Column and cannot be updated.

  • Dataform Saved Errors for data row [Row Number] [Import ID]: - This workspace already has a record saved for this dataform. Please reload the page and try again.

See Managing Import Data.


Salesforce Imported DateTime Values Now Respect HH:MM:SS and Time Zone Offset Modification

Previously, when DateTime field values were imported to or exported from Salesforce, ClientSpace did not preserve the time value. The time was converted to 12:00 a.m. Now, time is stored in HH:MM:SS format (although the user interface only shows HH:MM.) EX: 07/25/2024 11:33 am


In addition, the Time Zone Offset parameter (timezoneoffset) has been modified to also adjust for time. Previously, this parameter only adjusted for the date (to correct the GMT offset added by Salesforce) since ClientSpace was not preserving the time value. Now, it adjusts imported and exported dates and times to match the Salesforce DateTime and the client timezone DateTime as appropriate.


EX 1 - timezoneoffset is a positive number: If timezoneoffset = 5 in ClientSpace, ClientSpace adds 5 hours to the time on import and subtracts 5 hours from the time on export. In this scenario, if the SalesForce DateTime is 7/24/2024 at 10:30 pm, once imported into ClientSpace, the time is recorded as 7/25/2024 at 3:30 am. Likewise, if the time is 7/24/2024 at 10:30 pm in ClientSpace, once exported to Salesforce, the time is 7/23/2024 at 3:30 am.


EX 2 - timezoneoffset is a negative number: If timezoneoffset = -5 in ClientSpace, ClientSpace subtracts 5 hours from the time on import and adds 5 hours to the time on export. In this scenario, if the SalesForce DateTime is 7/24/2024 at 10:30 pm, once imported into ClientSpace, the time is recorded as 7/24/2024 at 5:30 pm. Likewise, if the time is 7/24/2024 at 10:30 pm in ClientSpace, once exported to Salesforce, the time is 7/25/2024 at 3:30 am.


Note: You must adjust timezoneoffset parameter to account for Daylight Savings Time (DST), if DST is applicable in the client time zone.


See Additional Parameters.


Email Template Workspace Selector Now Excludes Workspace Templates

Previously, when adding or editing an email integration configuration (System Admin > Email Integration), workspace templates were included in the default Workspace selector on the Action tab. Now, only active workspaces that are not workspace templates appear in the list.


Added Ability to Build BI Import Metrics Report

You can now build a Business Intelligence (BI) report to view and/or schedule a report showing import metrics for multiple import processes without having to manually open the import log for each import process. Use tblImport as your data source for the report. tblImport is an existing BI table. It contains a Primary Key Import ID field (pkImportID) used to identify each distinct import process as well as the following column data: Processing File Name, Rows Inserted, Rows Updated, Rows Skipped, and Rows Processed. These columns are populated with data from the individual import log files.

Here is a sample Import Metrics report showing the metrics for five (5) different import processes:

See Creating a BI Import Metrics Report.


Added Incident Security Entity to PEO Employee Role

With this update, the Incident security entity is added to the PEO Employee Role (System Admin > SecurityRoles) with View/Add/Edit rights. Users who are in a role configured with this security entity can view, add, and edit tasks.

See Standard Security Entities.


Updated "SetClaimDeductible" Business Rule Description

The SetClaimDeductible business rule (System Admin > AdvancedManage Rules) Description field has been updated to reflect enhancements made to the method since its original inception. The new Description is as follows:

"ClientSpace retrieves the deductible from the Pricing Batch first (if it exists) and uses it to set the Claim Deductible. Note that the Current Record checkbox must be checked on the Pricing Batch, denoting it as the current Pricing Batch. Also note that if the deductible is set to $0.00 on the current Pricing Batch, it is treated as a valid value and may be used in deductible bill amount calculations. If there is no current Pricing Batch record, ClientSpace sets the Claim Deductible using the WC Deductible field from the Client Master record."


Add Pre-configuration to Multiple Dataforms for Future Risk Module Implementations

Pre-configuration changes were made to multiple dataforms to make future Risk module implementations quicker. Changes include:

  • PEO Configuration dataform

    • Moved the WC Policy Setup and COI Administration Setup fieldsets under the Risk Setup fieldset.

    • Moved the Claim Deductible Event Code field into the Risk Setup fieldset.

    • Inactivated the ACORD Billing Plan, ACORD Payment Plan, and ACORD Audit fields in the ACORD Setup fieldset.

    • Renamed the Carrier Lag Time Threshold field to Client Lag Time Threshold.

  • WC Policy dataform

    • Short Name is no longer a required field.

    • Policy Status (starts with), Policy Title (contains), and Policy Number (contains) are now Quick Search and More search parameters.

    • Carrier and Coverage State are now More search parameters.

  • Third Party Administrator dataform

    • Moved the Transmission Method field in the TPA Information fieldset.

    • Inactivated the SFTP lookup value in the Transmission Method field.

    • Hid the NOI Report Format field.

    • Added TPA Name field as a lookup field type, made it required, and form searchable in the TPA Information fieldset. Added lookup code/decode values of CCMSI and General, with General being the default selection.

    • Placed the Transmission File Location and the old TPA Name text field in a hidden fieldset. Made the TPA Name text field no longer form searchable.

  • Comp Claim

    • Moved the Is the claim COVID-19 related? field to the Additional Claim Information fieldset.

    • The Resulted in Death lookup group is a Yes/No lookup group with a default No selection.

    • Communications Log is hidden.

  • Comp Claim Claimant

    • Paid in Full on DOI? lookup group is a Yes/No lookup group.

    • Will Client Continue Paying Wages? is a Yes/No lookup group.

  • WC Injury

    • Agree With Description lookup group is a Yes/No lookup group.

  • Comp Claim Notes

    • The following dataform properties are checked: Enable Search on Load and Enable Attachments.

    • Grid columns have been reordered as follows:

      • Create Date

      • Note Category

      • Subject

      • Notes

      • Creator

  • Comp Claim Financial

    • Added four fieldsets under Claim Details Information: Paid, Reserved, Incurred, and Financial Totals.

    • Moved the Paid fields into the Paid fieldset.

    • Moved the Reserved fields into the Reserved fieldset.

    • Moved the Incurred fields into the Incurred fieldset.

    • Moved the Financial fields into the Financial Totals fieldset.

    • Moved the Legal fields into the appropriate fieldset.

    • Removed the words Paid, Reserved and Incurred from all the necessary field labels due to this being described in the fieldset names.

    • Calculate Paid lookup group is Yes/No lookup group with a default Yes selection.

    • Value As Of is sorted by descending.

    • Current Record was repositioned in the Claim Details Information fieldset.

    • Reserved Medical was repositioned in the Reserved fieldset.

    • Paid Legal was renamed Legal and repositioned in the Paid fieldset.

    • Reserved Legal was renamed Legal and repositioned in the Reserved fieldset.

    • Incurred Legal was renamed Legal and repositioned in the Incurred fieldset.

    • Grid columns have been reordered as follows:

      • VAO

      • Total Paid

      • Total Reserved

      • Total Incurred

      • Subrogated

      • Total This Claim

    • Moved Current Record, Claim Number, VAO, and Notes fields to the top of the Claim Details Information fieldset,

  • Location OSHA Totals

    • The  Enable Search on Load dataform property is checked.


Added Imports Pipeline to Multiple Business Rules and Added "Suppress on OSHA" Comp Claim Rule

The Imports pipeline has been added to the following business rule methods:

  • CreateClaimFinancial

  • SetClaimDeductible

  • SetClaimSpecialist

  • SetTPA

Also, a Suppress on OSHA Comp Claim rule has been added (System Admin > AdvancedManage Rules). When triggered, it prevents a Comp Claim from being included on OSHA reports. It is Active by default and uses the existing _SetFieldValue method. Trigger the rule from a Comp Claim by setting the Claim Type to Report Only.


Added Additional Modules and Tables to Risk Implementation Group

Added the following additional modules and tables to the Risk Implementation Group to make future Risk module setup quicker:

  • WC Claim Document Search module

  • Payroll Vouchers table

  • EPLI Claim table

  • EPLI Claim Financial table

  • EPLI Claim Legal table

  • EPLI Policy table

  • EPLI Claims module


Updated Risk Member Role with View Rights for the Risk Management Dashboard and Multiple BI Reports

To make future Risk module setup quicker, the Risk Member role (System Admin > SecurityRoles) has been updated to allow View rights to the Risk Management Dashboard as well as to the following Business Intelligence (BI) reports:

  • Claim Analysis

  • Claim Count by Policy

  • Claim Count by Specialist

  • Claim Frequency By Year

  • Claim Incurred By Year

  • Claim List By Type

  • Claim Listing By Client

  • Claim Notes

  • Class Code Analytics

  • Top Ten Open Claims


Updated "PrismHR Import OSHA Location Data" Scheduled Process Descriptions

PrismHR Import OSHA Location Data scheduled process (System Admin > AdvancedScheduled Processes) Description fields have been updated as follows to add clarity for customers:

  • PrismHR Import OSHA Location Data: This is typically run yearly to pull in the previous year's worth of OSHA location totals on every client. This will not bring in the current year's OSHA location totals. You can update the number of years, via the PrismHRAPI API Configuration using the "OSHAYearsToProcess" parameter. Ex. 1 means 1 year's worth of data. 2 means 2 years' worth of data, etc.

  • PrismHR Import OSHA Location Data CLIENT: This is run from the link on the Client Master called 'Retrieve OSHA Location Totals.' This link will check the box 'OSHA Location Totals (Import)' on every location for the client. After the process is run, the checkbox is unchecked on the location.

See Scheduled Processes.


Added New ActiveClientMaster Field Property for Benefit Parent Company and Made Setting Available on Other Org Type Ahead Fields

A new field property called ActiveClientMaster has been scripted into the Advanced Settings section of the Benefit Parent Company field (which is located on the Benefits Batch record). The new property displays only companies associated with an Active Client Master record in the Benefit Parent Company list.


  • Global Administrators can apply the ActiveClientMaster filter to any dataform field with a datatype of Org Type Ahead from Advanced Settings on the field properties. Access Advanced Settings by going to System Admin > AdvancedDataform Admin, select the dataform, and then double-click the field to access field properties. Click Advanced Settings and set ActiveClientMaster to 1 to enable the filter. Setting the property to 0 removes the filter.

  • When configuring Advanced Settings, be careful of syntax:

    • Properties should contain no spaces and be enclosed in quotation marks.

    • Multiple properties should by separated by a comma (no spaces).

    • The entire string should begin with a left curly brace { and end with a right curly brace }.

See Configuring Your Dataform Datatypes and Adding Dataform Fields.


Added "AllowBlankValues" Parameter to _StageChangesOnFormFromForm Business Rule Method

A new parameter, AllowBlankValues, has been added to the _StageChangesOnFormFromForm business rule method. When this parameter is set and the rule is triggered, the TargetField on the TargetForm is cleared if the SourceField on the SourceForm has no value.



  • The _StageChangesOnFormFromForm rule works in conjunction with the _SaveStagedChanges rule to save blank (or cleared) values.

  • The Method Parameters tooltip for this rule was also updated to reflect this change.

See Business Rule Methods.


Added HE_RequireRateGroup Business Rule Method

The new Require Rate Group rule, when triggered, validates Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Rate Group(s) as follows on Add and Edit of an OBP:

  • If the plan has no associated Rate Groups and the OBP Rate Group field is blank, the rule does not trigger.

  • If the plan has rate groups but they are all Inactive, the rule does not trigger.

  • If the plan has one or more associated Active Rate Groups and the OBP Rate Group is blank, the rule triggers and the hard error message displays: "This Offered Benefit Plan must have a Rate Group selected."

The new rule is Active by default.

See Business Rule Methods.


Added HCM Scheduled Initial Imports

Previously, in ClientSpace version 141, we added a new Initial Import form (System Admin >Advanced > Dataform Admin) to the Admin Workspace. This form allowed you to run one or more scheduled initial PrismHR imports for a single API configuration OR for multiple API configurations. Now, you can also run HCM scheduled imports from the Initial Import form by selecting HCM from the API Type drop down field.


See Completing the Initial Import Form and Scheduled Processes.

General Enhancements




Added Workspace Group Field to "Create New Workspace" Window

A Workspace Group field has been added to the Create New Workspace modal window that displays when you click Create Workspace on the Workspaces module dashboard. This is a required field. If you select a Template, the Workspace Group field auto-fills with the Workspace Group associated with the template and becomes a read-only field.

If you do not select a Template, you must manually select the workspace group from the Workspace Group drop down list.

See Creating a Workspace.


Enhanced Watch Widget Functionality

Watch widget functionality now verifies the user who updates a dataform before determining if  review date settings should be updated.

  • If Freeze Review Date is selected, the Review Date for your pinned items stays the same when you make changes.

  • If Freeze Review Date is not selected, the Review Date for your pinned items stays the same when you make changes.

  • If Freeze Review Date is not selected, the Review Date for your items updates when others make changes.

Additionally, another enhancement was made to display the review date associated with the pinned dataform for the current user login. Hover over the pin icon in the Action Center of the pinned dataform to see the review date:

Note: The hover text updates on form load. If you have recently applied changes to the current form which affect the review date, you can click Reload to update the hover text.

See Widget: Watch.


Added Data Contention to Tasks Associated with Cases

Previously, if you opened a task associated with a case, edited it, and saved it after another user had already moved the Client Service Case associated with the task to a different workspace, lack of data contention resulted in the task becoming orphaned from the case. Now, when you edit a task associated with a case that has been moved to another workspace, the following error message displays:

"A more recent version of this data has been saved. Please refresh and try again."

Select Reload in the Action Center to refresh the task. This updates the task with the new Workspace ID.

Tip: Since your edits cannot be saved and will be replaced with the most recently saved version (under the new Workspace ID), be sure to copy your changes before you click Reload . Then you can paste your changes to the refreshed dataform and avoid data re-entry.

Technical Enhancements




Implemented Shared Service Architecture with Twilio for MFA

Implemented shared services connection to Twilio for multi-factor authentication over SMS or email.



Issue summary



Getting "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'luAttendeeType'" When Using CreateCalendarEvent Rule to Auto-Create Client Site Visits

Previously, when using a ClientSpace API business rule to create Client Site Visits, when the rule triggered, the following error occurred: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'luAttendeeType', table 'ClientSpace.PEO.GMS.dbo.tblCalendarEventAttendee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails."

This error occurred because no attendees were being added to the calendar events and some of the attendee-related fields were required fields. Now, adding attendees is no longer required to add Client Site Visit calendar events.


Corrected Bootstrap-Related Hidden Field Padding Issue

Previously, if you hid a field in a fieldset, the padding around the field remained visible. This issue was related to Bootstrap v5.0 user interface changes introduced in ClientSpace release 137 and has been corrected. Now, when fields are hidden in a fieldset, the padding around the fields is also hidden.


URL Path Delimiters Removed from Query and BI Widgets Link Field

Previously, if you entered a BI report URL into the Link field of the Query or BI Widget settings to convert the Link Text into a BI report hyperlink, the backslashes (i.e., path delimiters) were stripped from the URL. Now, the Link field can accept backslashes as an acceptable character in Query and BI Widget settings.


Two Extra EO % Field Labels Shown Using Mass Update to Manually Set Percentages

Previously, when you used the Mass Update function on the Benefits Batch OBPs search dashboard and selected a Contribution Method of Manually Set Percentages, two extra EO % field labels were shown in place of the EK% and EF% field labels. This issue has been corrected.