Widget: Watch

The Watch widget displays watch items in a list. Watch items are pinned dataforms that you want to track and review by a specified Review Date. The Watch widget can be added to the ClientSpace Home page or to a workspace landing page.

Pinning Dataforms

To pin a dataform to the Watch widget:

  1. Open the dataform.

  2. In the Action Center toolbar, click (Add this Dataform to your Watch List).
    The Select Review Date window displays with the Review Date field defaulting to the current date.

  3. Accept the current Review Date, type a different date, or click (Calendar) to select a different date.

  4. Optionally, click the Freeze Review Date checkbox to preserve the selected Review Date if the record is updated and saved.

    Select Review Date window with Freeze Review Date checkbox checked

    Note: Watch widget functionality verifies the user who updates a dataform before determining if  review date settings should be updated.

    • If Freeze Review Date is selected, the Review Date for your pinned items stays the same when you make changes.

    • If Freeze Review Date is not selected, the Review Date for your pinned items stays the same when you make changes.

    • If Freeze Review Date is not selected, the Review Date for your items updates when others make changes.

  5. Click Save.

    The watch item is listed in the Watch widget. The watch item name is comprised of the value from the Default field of the “watched" dataform followed by the workspace name in parenthesis.

    Note: If there is no Default field chosen for the dataform, then the dataform name will be displayed.

Managing Pinned Dataforms

To manage Watch widget items:

  • If the watch item name is greater than 50 characters, you will see an ellipsis after the 50 character limit is met. To view the entire name, hover your mouse pointer over the watch item to see the full description.

  • By default, the view is set to Current. Current watch items have a Review Date of the current date or prior (i.e., they are currently due for review or past due for review). Click the down arrow and select All to switch to a view that includes currently due, past due and not yet due items.

  • To open the watch item dataform from the watch list, click (Jump) next to the watch item.

  • To remove a watch item from the list, open the dataform. In the Action Center toolbar, click (Remove this Dataform from your Watch List).

  • To display the review date associated with the form for the current user login, hover over the pin icon in the Action Center:

    Note: The hover text updates on dataform load. If you have recently applied changes to the current form which affect the review date, you can click Reload to update the hover text.