Workers' Comp Claim Document Search

The Workers' Comp Claim Document Search module allows you to find Workers' Comp Claim-related documents across the system by using filtered searches. After searching for Workers' Comp Claim documents, you can:

Jump to the form associated with a Workers' Comp Claim document
Jump to the workspace associated with a Workers' Comp Claim document
Download one or more documents

The following graphic illustrates the WC Claim Document Search dashboard with search results.

To use WC Claim Document Search:

1. From the modules bar, select WC Claim Document Search.

The WC Claim Document Search dashboard opens.

Note:  You can also access the WC Claim Document Search by selecting WC Claim Document Search in the Action Center when you open a Workers' Comp Claim form.

The following graphic illustrates the WC Claim Document Search dashboard.

2. Use More Search to enter the required Claim ID and optionally filter the list by using other parameters.
Parameter What it does
Claim ID

Indicates the Workers' Comp Claim ID to search for attached documents. This is a required search parameter.

Note:  If you selected WC Claim Document Search in the Action Center when viewing or editing a Workers' Comp Claim form, the system populated the Claim ID field automatically.


Filters for a selected form to only show attachments associated with that form. For example, select Comp Claim Injury to filter for attachments added to the Comp Claim Injury form.

File Category Limits search results for files with the selected lookup value of the File Category lookup group.
Note Category Limits search results for files with the selected lookup value of the Note Category (ClaimNoteCategory) lookup group.
Date Uploaded Filters for documents uploaded between the selected dates.

3. Click Search to display the search results.
4. (Optional) Enter a value in the Quick Search field by using the % option to search the Description field associated with a file attachment for a Workers' Comp Claim. For example, enter %report to return a list of files that includes the word "report" in the file description.

Note:  The Description column only displays up to 100 characters in the grid. However, you can still search for all words contained in the description.

5. (Optional) Download or open a file by completing the following:
Highlight a row or click the check box in the Select column for one or more rows
Select Download or Open File to save a copy of the image

Note:  If you select multiple files and click Download, the system creates a zipped archive file that contains all selected files and downloads the .ZIP file.

6. (Optional) Open the form associated with the Workers' Comp Claim document by completing one of the following:
Select the (Jump to) button for one of the rows in the list
Highlight a row for one of the rows in the list and click the Open Form button
Select the name of the form in the Form column for one of the rows in the list
7. (Optional) Select the name of the workspace in the Workspace column to open the workspace associated with the Workers' Comp Claim document.