Release 147 Notes

R147 Sprint: 12/2/2024 to 1/3/2025. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release Schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

ClientSpace Premium




Added Business Rule to Sync the Active Flag on the Benefits Batch and Associated OBPs

A new business rule method and rule named BBIsActiveOBPSync has been added. When triggered, it inactivates or activates the associated Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) records, setting them to match the state (checked or unchecked) of the Active checkbox on the parent Benefits Batch. This rule is triggered by checking the "IsActive" checkbox at the bottom of the Benefits Batch.



  • The Status field value on the OBPs is not affected when the business rule is triggered.

  • Using the Mass Update OBPs process to set OBPs to Cancel status still works to inactivate OBPs. The business rule offers an alternative way of activating/inactivating OBPs without affecting the Status.

  • This rule is active by default.

See Business Rule Methods.


Added OSHA 300/301 Excel Merge for OSHA ITA Compliant Reporting

A new Excel Merge named OSHA_ITA_300_301_EXPORT_2024 has been created (System Admin > OutputsMerges) to generate a combined OSHA 300/301 report in the format required for submission through the Information Technology Application (ITA) portal.

Note: The merge generates the report in .xslx format. You can save this in the required .csv format prior to submission.

In addition to the merge, the following supporting changes were made:

  • Added an Export OSHA ITA 300-301 File custom link to the Client Master to run the report manually.

  • Added a Generate OSHA 300/301 ITA checkbox to the "OSHA" section of the Client Master. When checked, the report is generated when the yearly scheduled process Generate OSHA Forms runs. The setting does not become unchecked after the process runs. Once checked, the setting remains intact for future yearly scheduled processing of OSHA forms.

  • Added the Client Master Generate OSHA 300/301 ITA checkbox and Export OSHA ITA 300- 301 File custom link to the Risk Implementation Group.

  • Updated the OSHA Forms dataform to include an OSHA 300/301 ITA field. The merge file attachment is added here when the yearly scheduled process Generate OSHA Forms runs (and the Generate OSHA 300/301 ITA checkbox on the Client Master is checked).

  • Updated the OSHAProcessEmail email template to include the OSHA 300/301 ITA file attachment.

See OSHA 300 Report Details, OSHA 301 Report Details, and OSHA 300/301 ITA Export Merge.


Added Risk Factor Field to OBP Dataform

A Risk Factor field has been added to the Offered Benefits Plan dataform. Use the field to enter a premium risk factor. The Risk Factor field value is multiplied by the premium amounts entered on either the associated Rate Group or Benefit Plan record and then divided by 100. The resulting calculations are set in the EE Premium, ES Premium, EC Premium, EK Premium, and EF Premium fields in the "Total Client Premium" section of the Offered Benefits Plan dataform.



  • The Risk Factor field is:

    • Disabled/"Read Only" when the Rate Source field on any associated Rate Group record is set to Percentage.

    • Accessible when the Rate Source field on any associated Rate Group record is set to Manual.

    • Accessible on OBPs with no Rate Group assignment. (These may be OBPs imported from PrismHR where no Risk Factor or Rate Group Title match between the PrismHR and ClientSpace applications could be found. In these instances, the OBP is set to use the Benefit Plan's base rates and the Risk Factor field remains accessible on the OBP.) See Using the PrismHR Benefits Batch Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Import for more information on OBP import validation.

  • When renewing a Benefits Batch, Risk Factor field values on the associated OBPs will carry over to the associated OBPs on the pending renewal batch.

  • The Mass Update OBPs process has been updated with the ability to apply a Risk Factor.

  • The Import OBPs process has been updated to auto-fill the Risk Factor field with the PrismHR risk factor, if applicable. See the release note for related Case# 69279 for details.

See Manually Adding an Offered Benefit Plan and Using Mass Update from Benefits Batch OBPs Search .


Updated Client Benefit Plans Export Excel Template to Consider the Risk Factor Field on OBP Dataform

The Client Benefit Plans Export template has been updated to consider the Risk Factor field added in related Case# 69269.

ClientSpace checks for a value entered in the Risk Factor field of the OBP and exports the following column values if that field is populated:

  • Column I: Rate Group - Uses the Benefit Plan Title field value. If there is no rate group this will be set to the Default Rate Group value from the Benefits Batch. If that is empty then it will be set to “STANDARD”.

  • Column AJ: Risk Factor Date - Uses the Benefits Batch Effective Date.

  • Column AK: Prem.RiskFactor 1 - Uses the Risk Factor percentage entered on the OPB dataform.

If the Risk Factor field on the OBP is not populated, ClientSpace uses pre-existing logic to check for a value in the Percentage field of the Rate Group Detail form and exports the following column values if that field is populated:

  • Column I: Rate Group - Auto-fills with the text "STANDARD". If there is a Default Rate Group on the Benefits Batch this will be inserted instead.

  • Column AJ: Risk Factor Date - Uses the Benefits Batch Effective Date.

  • Column AK: Prem.RiskFactor - If the Rate Source is set to "Percentage" on the Rate Group detail form and a value is entered in the Percentage field for the form, the Percentage value is used.

See Client Benefit Plans Export.


Updated OBP Import to Consider the Risk Factor Field on OBP Dataform

The OBP import from PrismHR process has been updated to consider the Risk Factor field added in related Case# 69269.


When there is a match between ClientSpace and PrismHR on a Benefits Batch Effective Date and Plan ID, the system checks for a matching Rate Group by Rate Group Title with a Rate Source of Manual. If a matching Rate Group is found and the incoming plan is using a risk factor, the risk factor from PrismHR is imported into the Risk Factor field on the OBP.


The Risk Factor field value is then multiplied by the premium amounts entered on either the associated Rate Group or Benefit Plan record and then divided by 100. The resulting calculations are set in the EE Premium, ES Premium, EC Premium, EK Premium, and EF Premium fields in the "Total Client Premium" section of the Offered Benefits Plan dataform.

See Using the PrismHR Benefits Batch Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Import.


Updated the Client Benefits Plan Export and Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export Excel Templates


The following changes were made to the Client Benefits Plan Export template:

  • Previously, when a Benefit Plan was renewed and the new plan was changed to a different plan in the renewal year, the Action column (for that plan's line item) in the Client Benefit Plans Export merge file was set to "CHANGE". This was inaccurate as it did not reflect that a prior year plan was being terminated and a current year plan was being added.

  • Now, when a Benefit Plan is renewed and replaced by a different plan in the renewal year, two Action line items are added to reflect addition of the new plan and the termination of the old plan. The changes to the Client Benefit Plans Export are as follows:

    • If the Carrier Plan Code from the Current Year Plan does not match the Renewed plan, insert an "ADD" Action line item in the Client Benefit Plans Export merge file for the Current Year Plan.

    • If the Carrier Plan Code from the Current Year Plan does not match the Renewed plan, insert a "TERM" Action line item in the Client Benefit Plans Export merge file for the Prior Year Plan.

Note: A single "CHANGE" Action line item is still used when a Benefit Plan is renewed and the carrier for the current year plan remains the same as the prior year plan. However, the Start Date is left blank so that it remains unchanged in PrismHR.

The following changes were made to the Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export template:

  • The Multiplier Pay Basis field (located on the Offered Benefits Plan form in the Setup Details section) was incorrectly mapped to Column AA: Multiplier in the template. It is now correctly mapped to Column AJ: Mult.Pay.Code.

  • The new Pay Multiplier field (located on the Offered Benefits Plan form in the Coverage Details section for "Company Paid" and "Voluntary" Life Insurance plans) is now mapped to Column AA: Multiplier of the template.

  • With this update, support has also been added to specify Employer Contributions for voluntary plans. Therefore, the template was also updated to include this information, if entered.

See Client Benefit Plans Export and Benefit Batch Billing Rules Export.


Updated Benefit Batch Renewal Process to Use Expiration Date When Available to Set Effective Date

Previously, the Benefits Batch renewal process always set the Pending renewal batch Effective Date as one year out from the prior year's batch Effective Date. Now, ClientSpace calculates the Pending renewal batch Effective Date as the prior year's batch Expiration Date plus one day. If an Expiration Date is not available, the previous calculation method is used.

See Renewing a Benefits Batch.


Standardized the Contribution Method Lookups on the Benefit Plan Manager (BPM) and Offered Benefits Plan Dataforms

Important: To preserve customers' existing configurations, the changes below will not impact sites who are already using the Benefits module.


The Benefit Plan Contribution Method lookup values, settings and tooltip on the Benefits Plan Manager (BPM) varied from the Offered Benefits Plan Contribution Method lookup. The following changes have been made to standardize the lookups.

  • The Benefit Plan Contribution Method lookup list values on BPM have been updated to match the Offered Benefits Plan Contribution Method lookup list values:

    • Manually Set Dollars is now Fixed Dollar Amount

    • Manually Set Percentages is now Percentage

    • Contribute EO Premium is now Total EO Premium

    • Match EO Contribution is now Match EO Premium

    • Combine EO and Dependent is now EO Plus Dep Percentage

  • Benefit Plan Contribution lookup list values are now flagged as IsSystem and cannot be deleted.

  • A tooltip has been added to the Offered Benefits Plan Contribution Method lookup field with definitions for Fixed Dollar Amount, Percentage, Total EO Premium, Match EO Premium, and EO Plus Dep Percentage.


Claim Deductible Date Billed is Now Set By ClientSpace

Previously, claim deductible bill exports to PrismHR failed when the Date Billed field on the Claim Deductible Bill form was blank. Now, the Date Billed field on the Claim Deductible Bill form is set by ClientSpace using the VAO (Value As Of) date from the Claim Financial form used to create the Claim Deductible Bill form.


  • The existing Claim Deductible Billing business rule was updated to set Date Billed using the VAO date.

  • The Date Billed is set for both manually added and auto-generated Claim Deductible Bill forms (created by importing Loss Runs into the ClientSpace which are then used to create Claim Financials records).

See Using the Claim Deductible Bill Form.

Advanced Administration




Added Employee Skills Renewal Email Template

An Employee Skills Renewal email template has been added (System Admin Email Templates). The template sends an email notification to the client when an employee certification needs to be renewed. You can configure the default template settings to trigger the renewal when the Renewal Date on the Employee Skills dataform is within a specified number of days from expiration.


See Configuring Email Templates.


Added "View Details" Link to Import Queue Record for HCM Imports

A View Details link has been added to the bottom of the Import Queue record (System Admin > Imports> Manage Import Queue) for HCM imports to help troubleshoot import errors. Clicking the link shows formatted error details instead of the unformatted, raw data which previously displayed.


Added _HE_RequireField and _SE_RequireField Business Rule Methods

Two new business rule methods were added to display a hard error (_HE_RequireField) or soft error (_SE_RequireField) on a parent or child/tab dataform when you attempt to save the form without entering a value in the specified required field. If you are configuring a hard error, you are unable to continue the Save process without providing a value. If you are configuring a soft error, you can choose to provide a value or you can continue the Save process without providing a value.



  • These methods are only configurable on the primary form of a tab set but you can reference triggering fields from tabbed forms.

  • These methods replace the _RequireFieldOnThisForm and _RequireTabField business rule methods. While these methods will no longer be available to configure for new rules, existing rules using these methods will continue to trigger and be available for editing.

See Business Rule Methods.


Added Business Rule for Modifying Existing Field Values

A new business rule method named _ModifyFieldValue has been added. The rule method works on single forms or related multi-forms and allows you to append, prepend or overwrite an existing text field value. The method's modification functions work as follows:

  • Prepend: Add text in front a standard text input field value (i.e., short text field datatype of 500 characters or less) or above a long text field value (such as Editor, Log or Text Area field datatypes). Example 1: Add the current date and time above the body text of an Editor field used to hold comments. Example 2: Add text (such as A:, B:, or C:) to the beginning of a short text field value to ensure control of the sorting of the value on reports.

  • Append: Add text behind standard text input field value or after a long text field value. Example: Add text such as ( - SF) to the end of a prospect name to denote that the prospect came from Salesforce.

    Note: The only exception to this is inserts to log fields, where the text is always prepended as appending to the end of a log field would interfere the date/time stamp functionality of the log.

  • Overwrite: Replace an existing text field value. Example 1: Replace an incorrect value with a correct value. Example 2: Clear a field and remove a value entirely. This replaces the field with a blank or null value.


  • This rule method can only be configured by Developer users only. If you are interested in configuring a rule using this method, please contact Professional Services or log an Extranet ticket.

  • You can prepend, append or overwrite field values with text you enter or you can use Replace fields from Email Templates as well as Organization fields, a Related Parent Field, Server Data Proc (SDP) fields, and code logic fields such as:

    • #CurrentDateTime

    • #CurrentUser

    • {ExistingFieldValue} - Inserts the current field value of the Target field.

    • {ThisForm.FieldName}

    • {ThisForm.fkFieldID} - Decodes the parent form field referenced on the triggering form.

    • {ThisForm.fkFieldID.Code} - Returns the ID stored in the parent form field on the triggering form

    • {ThisForm.TabForm.TabFieldName}

  • The rule will allow you to update a field to a blank or null value.

  • You can specify a Separator when making an Append or Prepend modification. Use the non-printing control characters {CRLF} or {NewLine} to indicate the end of a line or a line break. This can only be used in a long text field (such as Editor, Log or Text Area field datatypes) where you want the addition to appear on a separate line.

  • You can stage the changes for single forms only by clicking the Stage Changes checkbox. This interacts with the _SaveStagedChanges business rule method.

  • There is built in error handling for incorrect applications of the rule, such as trying to update an integer field with text. The error details are logged in the Exception Log and an error message displays on the target form.

See Business Rule Methods.

General Enhancements




Removed Certifications and Cert Renewal Date Fields from Employee Dataform

The Certifications and Cert Renewal Date fields have now been removed from the Employee dataform of the Employees module. The Employee Skills dataform (introduced in ClientSpace Release R146) contains the fields necessary to manually add employee skills or view and maintain imported employee skills from PrismHR.

See Adding and Editing Employee Skills.


Added a Business Rule to the PrismHR API Ongoing Import to Support Employee Skill Code Updates

In the previous ClientSpace Release R146, the PrismHR API only retrieved employee skill codes from PrismHR when the PrismHR Import Initial import ran. Now, a new business rule named CreateSkillCode has been added to import employee Skill Codes as part of the PrismHR API Ongoing Import. If an employee skill code is updated in PrismHR that does not exist in ClientSpace, it is imported.





Made Performance Improvements to Benefits Batch Dashboard Search and Cases 2.0 Client Service Case Form

The Assigned to Project User table join on the Assigned To column of the Benefits Batch Dashboard Search was removed to improve performance. Additionally, the Assigned To column no longer displays on the Benefits Batch Dashboard Search. However, you can still filter by Assigned To using the More search.


A performance improvement change was also made to the Workspaces drop down field on the Client Service Case dataform (Cases 2.0 module only) to prevent a Project User table join when the user is a Global Administrator.