Adding a Benefits Batch
To add a Benefits Batch:
- From the modules bar, click
The Workspace Search dashboard opens. - Select the desired workspace and click
The Workspace page opens. -
Move down the page to the administrative tiles where you see the dataform categories.
Enter "Benefits Batch" in the search for dataform field and then click the Benefits Batch tile.
The Benefits Batch window displays.
Click Add.
Complete the fields as applicable. Required fields are Status, Effective Date, and Type.
Field Description Assigned To Select the assigned benefits specialist preparing this Benefits Batch. Benefit Parent Company If this workspace where this Benefits Batch is located is a child workspace and you want to be able to clone Offered Benefits Plans (OBPs) from a benefits batch in the parent workspace, you must identify the parent company here.
Status Set the initial Status to Pending. Pending indicates that the Benefits Batch is in progress. This could be a Pending Renewal or a Pending RFP. Other statuses are set to track the status of the batch as it moves through the process of being reviewed for the first time or renewed. Available options may vary by site configuration. See Benefits Batch Status Definitions and Renewing a Benefits Batch. Type Indicate whether the Benefits Batch is an RFP (Request for Proposal) or Renewal. Effective Date Enter the effective date that will apply to the offered plans in this batch.
Note: When you renew a batch, you do not need to enter this date. It is set for you using the following logic:
If the Benefits Batch that the Pending renewal batch is being renewed from has an Expiration Date, the Pending renewal batch Effective Date is calculated as one year out from the prior year's batch Expiration Date plus one day.
If the Benefits Batch that the Pending renewal batch is being renewed from does not have an Expiration Date, the Pending renewal batch Effective Date is calculated as one year out from the prior year's batch Effective Date.
Expiration Date Enter the expiration date that will apply to the offered plans in this batch.
Note: When you renew a batch, you do not need to enter this date. It is set for you as one year from the current year's batch Effective Date minus one day.
Eligibility This defines the target employee type that this batch is being prepared for. For instance, if this batch is for eligible part time employees, select Part Time. Then prepare another batch containing offerings for eligible full time employees and select Full Time in the Eligibility field. Open Enrollment Start Date Enter the date that the client's Open Enrollment period starts. Open Enrollment End Date Enter the date that the client's Open Enrollment period ends. ACA ALE Select Yes if the client is an ALE according to Affordable Care Act (ACA) guidelines. An ALE is defined as an employer with at least 50 full time employees, including full-time equivalent (FTE) employees during the prior year. Select No if the client is not an ALE. Safe Harbor Method Select the Safe Harbor Method used to demonstrate that the healthcare plans offered in the Benefits Batch are affordable under the standards of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Notes
Click Add
in this field to add notes about the Benefits Batch.
Renewal Date
This field auto-fills when the Benefits Batch is renewed.
Source Benefits Batch
This field auto-fills the Benefits Batch ID of the prior batch containing the fields that were cloned (i.e., copied) to a new Renewal Pending Benefits Batch and associated Offered Benefits Plans.
Prism Log
This field stores success and failure messages related to the OBP Imports process from PrismHR. See Using the PrismHR Benefits Batch Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Import.
Gradient AI Benefits Completed Health Census This is a file upload field used to attach the completed Gradient Health Census report to the Benefits Batch. The file must be present in order to submit the offered benefits and Health Census information to Gradient AI. See Gradient AI Health Benefits. Submitted By If you use the manual method of submitting offered benefits and Health Census information to Gradient AI, this field auto-fills with the user ID of the logged in user who clicks the Submit to Gradient AI link. This user receives all email notifications related to the submission.
Note: Only the Submitted By user receives "Accepted", "Succeeded" and "Failed" notifications. These email notifications are not sent for the automated method since a business rule (_GAICensusValidation) is initiating submissions instead of a logged in user. See Gradient AI Health Benefits.
Submission Status This field displays the current status of a Gradient AI submission. Possible statuses include "Accepted", "Succeeded" and "Failed". Batch Details Renewal Workbook This is a file upload field where you can store a copy of the Benefits Renewal Workbook sent the client for review. Renewal Approval This is a file upload field where you can store a copy of the client-approved Benefits Renewal Workbook. Renewal Assigned Select the assigned benefits specialist handling the renewal Benefits Batch. Renewal Client Contact This is the name of the client contact receiving the Benefits Batch Renewal Workbook for review.
Note: If you are using workflow that triggers an email to the Renewal Client Contact (with the Benefits Renewal Workbook attached), this field is required.
Date of Approval This is a read only date field that auto-fills when the Benefits Batch Status is set to Approved. Commuter Plan Accepted
Select Yes if the batch contains a commuter benefit plans that allows employees to contribute monthly pre-tax dollars toward work transportation expenses. Select No if this does not apply.
HSA Plan Offered
Select Yes if a Health Savings Account (HSA) plan is being offered in the batch. Select No if this does not apply.
FSA Plan Offered
Select Yes if a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan is being offered in the batch. Select No if this does not apply.
Default Rate Group
Enter the Default Rate Group code to be used on OBPs associated with this batch when the Rate Group field on the OBPs is bland and no Default Rate Group is defined on a parent Benefit Plan.
Note: The Default Rate Group may also be sourced from the Benefit Plan dataform when using the Client Benefit Plans Export. See Setting Default Rate Groups andClient Benefit Plans Export.
Client Renewal Notes
Enter any notes or instructions that you want the client to see when you send the DocuSign Benefit Renewal Workbook to the client to review the offered benefit plans in the batch. These notes display on the ClientRenewalNotes tab of the workbook.
Renewal Chatter
This is a text field for capturing the discussion about the renewal process between you and client.
Default Values OBP
Eligibility Status
This is the default Eligibility Status to use on associated OBPs if the field is blank.
Note: The SetOBPDefaultsfromBBandBG business rule method is used to copy the default Eligibility Status value on the Benefits Batch to the OBP.
Eligibility Type
This is the default Eligibility Type to use on associated OBPs if the field is blank.
Note: The SetOBPDefaultsfromBBandBG business rule method is used to copy the default Eligibility Type value on the Benefits Batch to the OBP.
This checkbox is checked when the Benefits Batch is Active and unchecked when it is inactive.
Note: If you want to expire an old batch (and your workflow did not prompt you to expire the old batch when you activated the new batch) do not just uncheck Active. Follow the process to expire the batch so the system can expire the batch along with all associated OBPs and also set the Expiration Date on the Benefits Batch and all associated OBPs. See Activating/ Expiring or Expiring a Benefits Batch.
Click Save to save and close or Apply to save and keep the batch displayed.
Add Offered Benefit Plans to the Benefits Batch.