Offered Benefit Plans
An Offered Benefit Plan (or OBP) is a benefit plan which has been added to a Benefits Batch for presentation to a client. Think of a Benefits Batch as a package of offered plans that you present to the client for their acceptance. There is a review period, during which a client may negotiate aspects of the package. During this phase, OBPs may be added, removed or changed in the Benefits Batch. Then, once the client has given final approval of the Benefits Batch, they can enter into Open Enrollment and begin enrolling employees into the plans. The plans become Active when the beginning effective date in the batch and associated OBPs is reached. Once a Benefits Batch nears expiration, the renewal phase begins and the process starts all over again.
There are multiple ways in ClientSpace for adding OBPs to a Benefits Batch, including:
OBP Import: Import OBPs directly from PrismHR. See Using the PrismHR Benefits Batch Offered Benefit Plan (OBP) Import.
Renewing a Benefits Batch: Renewing a Benefits Batch with existing OBPs on the original Benefits Batch renews the associated OBPs. SeeRenewing a Benefits Batch andUsing Benefits Batch Renewal to Add Offered Benefits to a Renewed Master Plan.
Cloning Offered Benefit Plans: You can clone OBPs from a Benefits Batch Parent Company. The function references the Benefit Parent Company field located on the Benefits Batch record of the child workspace and clones the benefits associated with the parent company into a selected Benefits Batch record in the child workspace. See Cloning Offered Benefit Plans.
Manually Adding an Offered Benefit Plan: To manually add an OBP to a Benefits Batch, in the Action Center under Links, click next to Offered Benefit Plans and add the offered benefit plan to the batch. See Manually Adding an Offered Benefit Plan.
Setting Up and Using the "Apply Plan Group" Function: Before you can apply plans to a Benefits Batch, you have to set up the groups of plans. Then, once the plans are set up, on a Benefits Batch, click Apply Plan Group. SeeSetting Up and Using the "Apply Plan Group" Function .
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