Using Benefits Batch Renewal to Add Offered Benefits to a Renewed Master Plan

Previously when a master plan was renewed, all offered plan records associated with the master plan were typically renewed at the same time. Now, the Benefits Batch Renewal feature will renew offered plans in a similar way to how they were renewed previously but will also handle instances of offered plans needing to be added to the master plan for the renewed year AFTER the master plan has already been renewed.

To add offered benefits to a renewed master plan and renew the Benefits Batch:

  1. From the modules bar, click Workspaces.

    The Workspace Search dashboard opens.
  2. Select the desired workspace and click (Open).

    The Workspace page opens.
  3. Move down the page to the administrative tiles where you see the dataform categories.

  4. Enter "Benefits Batch" in the search for dataform field and then click the Benefits Batch tile.

    The Benefits Batch window displays.

  5. Open an existing batch or click Add to add a new one.

  6. On the Benefits Batch form, in the Action Center under Workflow, click next to Offered Benefit Plans and add an offered benefit plan to the batch. Repeat this step until all offered benefit plans you want to add are in the batch.

  7. On the Benefits Batch form, in the Action Center under Links, click Renew.

    Benefits Batch Window with Renew Link Highlighted

    A confirmation message displays similar to the following:

  8. Click OK on the confirmation message.

    The system compares the associated master benefit plan of each offered benefit plan (that is not in Rejected or Expired status) to the Renewed From field value of each Active master benefit plan and attempts to match each offered benefit to a renewed plan. The system then proceeds in one of two ways:

    • If one or more offered benefit plans in the batch do not match a renewed master benefit plan, the system displays an alert similar to the following: 

    Offered Benefit Plans Not Renewed Alert

    You can click the X in the upper right corner to cancel the message so that you can renew the associated master plan(s) and try step 7 of this procedure again OR you can click Save Anyway to remove the offered plans referenced in the alert from the batch. If you select Save Anyway OR if you exit the message to renew the master plan(s) and retry step 7 with no alerts, each offered benefit plan that matches a renewed master plan is added to a new Pending renewal batch. The renewal process clones the offered plan details from the current benefits batch to the new Pending renewal batch.

    • If all offered benefit plans in the batch match a renewed master plan, the offered plans are added to a new Pending renewal batch. The renewal process clones the offered plan details from the current benefits batch to the new Pending renewal batch.

  9. Select the newly created Pending renewal batch and click (Open).

    Note: The Pending renewal batch shows an Effective Date that is one year out from the original batch Effective Date as shown in the image below.

    Benefits Batch Effective Dates

    Additionally, when you open the Pending renewal batch, you will see that an Expiration Date field value has been calculated and set. It is one year from the Effective Date minus one day.

  10. On the Benefits Batch form, in the Action Center under Links, click the Offered Benefit Plans link. The Offered Benefit plan window opens with all pending offered plans listed in the grid as shown in the image below:

    Offered Benefit Plans Window with Pending Renewals Shown

  11. Open each offered plan, review the cloned details, making any changes as necessary and then click Select under Workflow in the Action Center to mark it for export to PrismHR.

    Offered Benefits Plan Window with Select Workflow Link Highlighted

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