Configuring Custom Dataform Links

Configurable links enable administrators to control the accessibility of data in the system dynamically. Configurable links can significantly improve the user experience by making related dataforms, reports, and workflows available from the dataform a user is currently on at specific points in the workflow. You can link to custom reports, merges, and dataforms within the current workspace or the Admin Workspace, or even configure a workflow from scratch. An example of configured links creative use is to make reports or workflow links available when specific data is entered. For example, a salesperson can only submit an order for approval when there is a resolution.

This topic provides the tools you need to start configuring custom links. To learn how you can configure link display conditions, see Configuring Link Display Conditions. To learn how you can configure link security, see Configuring Link Security.

To configure and manage custom dataform links:

  1. Go to System Admin > Advanced > Custom Links.
    The Configure Links dashboard opens. To search the list, see Searching Custom Links.
  2. Click Add.
    The Configure Links Detail form opens.
  1. Complete the form.
    The value selected in Group drives the other form fields. The remaining form fields are listed under Display Action with their corresponding Group link.


Name of the dataform or system object on which you want the link to appear.

Display Value

This is what displays in the action area of the dataform or system object as the selectable link. When Workspace Dataform is selected, Linked Field becomes available.


Denotes the type of link you are creating and drives the other fields on the form to complete the configuration:

Link 1
Link 2

Sort Order

Orders the Links in the Action Center Workflow Actions first, then Links (Link1), then Reports. The Sort Order determines how the individual items are displayed within the groups.

Display Action




Lists the possible actions for the selected link Group. Display Actions are based on the Group selection.

When GroupAction, the Display Actions are:

  • Custom Function: Call a custom JavaScript function to perform an action (requires additional coding by our development team). Custom Function enables the Custom Function and Custom Function Data fields.

  • Submit w/Action: Generates a HdrAction on the page to trigger rules or workflow. Enter this HdrAction in Code Value.

  • Submit w/Action (close): Generates a HdrAction on the page to trigger rules or workflow, and after generated, the page closes. Enter this HdrAction in Code Value.

  • Submit w/Action (close and refresh): Generates a HdrAction on the page to trigger rules or workflow, and after generated, the page closes and the list containing the record the action occurred on is refreshed. Enter this HdrAction in Code Value.

When GroupLink1 or Link2, the Display Actions are:

  • Custom Function: Call a custom JavaScript function (requires additional coding by our development team). Custom Function enables Custom Function and Custom Function Data.

  • Workspace Organization: Open the workspaces associated Organization.

  • Workspace Organization Contacts: Open the workspaces associated Organization Contacts.

  • Workspace Dataform: Open a workspace dataform from the header of this dataform.

    • Select the dataform in the Target Dataform field.

    • If configured for a dataform with a foreign key relationship, this brings back associated records.

    • Workspace dataform links adhere to the relationship to the dataform on which the link is configured, filtering the returned data appropriately. For example, configuring a workspace dataform link on the Employee dataform to the WC Claims dataform returns only claims associated with the employee in question.

  • Admin Dataform: Open an Admin dataform from the header of this dataform (Admin dataforms live in the Admin Workspace).
    • Select the dataform in the Target Dataform field.
  • URL: Open another web page in a new tab or window depending on your browser configuration settings.
    • Enter the URL in the URL field.

When Group = Report, the Display Actions are:

  • Run Report: This is the Report or Merge that executes when you select the link.
    • Run Report enables the Report/Merge field. 
  • Run BI Report: This is the link displayed in the Action Center.
  • Open Filter Page: This is the link displayed in the Action Center.
  • Custom Function: This is the custom function to be called.

Report / Merge

The Report or Merge to execute using a Display Action when a Report link is clicked. When the link is clicked, a form ID of the dataform is passed. Report/Merge are only available when Group = Report.

Report is available when you select Run BI Report in Display Action.
Report/Merge is available when you select any other Display Action when Group = Report.

Target Dataform

This is the dataform to be opened from configured dataform links (Link1). This field is enabled when a Link Group is selected.

Code Value

The HdrAction that is produced when the link is clicked (Action).

Linked Field

The selections in this field are driven by the parent-child relationship of the Location dataform and the Target Dataform. The link on the Location dataform will link to the selection in Linked Field. When there is only one field, it automatically displays. For example, when there are two parent fields on the Client Service Case connected to the Employee, the Linked Field determines which field the Employee link references.

Custom Function

The custom function to be called from an Action link.

Custom Function Data

The data that is passed to a custom function, if required.


This is where you configure the URL that you want to open on a URL Display Action. For an external URL, you must include the protocol (http:// or https://) as links without this are treated as internal to the application.

Confirmation Message

Before running the link action, display an OK / Cancel dialog box with a message. Most often used with Action Links.


Provide a description of what action the link does. This description displays when you hover over the link on the dataform or system object.

Display this Link when adding

Prior to Save, dataforms generally do not display links. This option allows you to display the link before the initial form Save. Single dataforms with defaulted fields can appear as though they have been saved before the database's actual record exists. If you configure a link and it does not appear when you are testing, try saving the dataform. If you want the link to always appear, regardless of whether the dataform has been saved, select the Display this link when adding option.

Pinned Open

When this option is enabled (selected), it forces the link to display in the Action Items area. The link does not collapse when the associated group is collapsed.

Badge Counter Proc

Select a stored procedure to display a count of the Active and Inactive records for the Location.

Condition Expression

Condition Expressions use Labels from Display Conditions along with AND, OR, and NOT operators to control precedence and sequence. You can create complicated Link Display Conditions using unique combinations of the configured display conditions configured in the Add section.


Using the Label field on the Link Display Condition, you can combine trigger conditions into more complex expressions, overriding the default OR behavior. For example: (Condition1 AND Condition2) OR (Condition3 AND Condition4) OR Condition5. Link Display Conditions that are not included in the Condition Expression are ignored.


The expression in this field is derived from the added conditions. See Configuring Link Display Conditions.

For more information about Condition Expressions, see Condition expressions.


Project Code is set in Workspace Settings. Link configurations accept ProjectCode or TemplateCode as a Field trigger, allowing you to use Template Code to limit link display to all children of a given Template or Project Code to limit displaying a single Client Workspace.

  1. To add a link display condition, click Add.

    Link display conditions might be used to control when the link appears, such as when the client is in the approved status. For details on how to add a link display condition, see Configuring Link Display Conditions.
  2. To add link security, click the Security Security Icon Looks Like a Padlock icon in the Action Center to access the Security Roles window where you can add one or more roles and secure the custom link to unlimited roles. For details on how to configure link security, see Configuring Link Security.
  3. Click Apply or Save.

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