Release 146 Notes

R146 Sprint: 11/1/2024 to 12/06/2024. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release Schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

Advanced Administration




Added a Mathematical Field Calculation Business Rule Method

A new business rule method named _FieldCalculation has been added (System Admin > Advanced > Manage Rules). The method allows you to calculate a field value using numeric field values on a dataform to build an equation and then set the resulting calculation in a numeric field on the same dataform. The rule triggers when the dataform is saved.

See Business Rule Methods.


Updated Quick Search on Manage Import Queue Dashboard and Added Raw Data Field to Import Queue Details Window

Previously, the Quick Search on the Manage Import Queue dashboard (System Admin > Imports > Manage Import Queue) only included an Identifier (contains)option. This was useful for searching for a single record but not for multiple record searches. Quick Search has now been updated to include Import Map Name (contains) and API Configuration (contains) options:

Import Queue Dashboard Quick Search Options

Additionally, a Raw Data field has been added to the Import Queue Details modal window:

Import Queue Raw Data Field

Note: The Raw Data field is only displayed for developer users.


Added Context-Sensitive Help Icon to Multiple System Admin Detail Forms

A context-sensitive Help icon has been added to the form headers of the following System Admin detail forms:

  • Manage Rules - (System Admin > Advanced > Manage Rules > Custom Logic Rules > Rule Details)

  • Scheduled Processes - (System Admin > Advanced > Scheduled Process > Scheduled Processes Admin > Scheduled Process Details)

  • Dataform Admin - (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin > Dataform Properties)

    Note: Also added the Help icon to form header of the details window that displays when you click Fields and then double-click a field to view field settings)

  • Configure Import - (System Admin > Advanced > Configure Imports > Import Map Header Search > Import Map Header Detail)

    Note: Also added the Help icon to the form header of the Import Map Detail window that displays when you click Fields on the Import Map Header Detail window and then open a field record.

  • Manage Field Display - (System Admin > Advanced > Manage Field Display > Field Display Rule Search > Field Display Rule Detail)

  • Lookups - (System Admin > Lookups > Lookup Details)

  • Email Integration - (System Admin > Email Integration > Email Integration Details)

    Note: Also added the Help icon to the Alias Details configuration window that displays when you double-click a line item in the Aliases section to open an Email Integration Details record.

  • Widget Layouts - (System Admin > Widget Layouts > Widget Layout Details)

    Note: Also added the Help icon to the Set Condition Details configuration window that displays when you click the Set Conditions button on the Widget Layout Details window.

  • Merge Admin Detail - System Admin > Outputs > Merges > Merge Admin > Merge Admin Detail


Custom Dataform Links Set to "Display this Link When Adding" Now Display an Associated Dataforms Count

When the Display this Link When Adding option is configured on a custom dataform link (System Admin > Advanced > Custom Links) and a user adds a dataform to a workspace, a counter badge now displays the number of existing records (i.e., dataforms) already associated with the link.


Hovering the mouse pointer over the counter badge displays the number of Active and Inactive dataforms associated with the link:

Custom Dataform Link - Existing Dataform Counter

Note: The presence of an asterisk (*) next to the dataform count indicates that Archived (i.e., Inactive) records are included in the total count. When you hover the mouse pointer over the counter badge, the breakdown of Active and Archived records is displayed as shown in the image above.

Clicking the link displays the Search window which lists the existing dataforms. From Search you can review the existing records or click the Add button in the upper right corner of the Search window to proceed with adding a new dataform.

What Happens When You Click an Existing Dataform Counter Link

General Enhancements




Added Employee Skill Dataform, PrismHR API Support for Importing Employee Skills/Skill Codes and Custom Link

A new Employee Skill multi-form dataform has been added to the Client Service dataform group (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin) to allow you to create workflows for managing employee skills and certification renewal dates.

The dataform:

  • Stores imported employee skills data from PrismHR. The fields are: 

    • Employee

    • Skill Code

      Note: Skill Code is imported into the Skill Code dataform which is linked to the corresponding Employee Skill dataform. The code is displayed on the Employee Skill dataform. You can click Jump to Related Form in the Skill Code field on the Employee Skill dataform to access the related skill code information. See related Case# 70307.

    • Skill Comment

    • Competency Level

    • Date Certified

    • Renewal Date

  • Works in single-tenant and multi-tenant environments.

  • Links from the Employee dataform.

    • A link named Employee Skill is pinned open on the Employee dataform by default and contains a badge counter to display the number of skills associated with the employee at-a-glance.

      Clicking the link opens the Employee Skill dataform.

The PrismHR API has been updated to get employee skill data from PrismHR when the PrismHR Import Initial and PrismHR Import Ongoing scheduled processes run and import the information to the Employee Skill and Skill Code dataforms. This information comes from the Skills & Education tab of the Employee record in PrismHR. The following additional changes were made to support the import API process:

  • Two, new import mappings (System Admin > Advanced > Configure Import) were added to support initial and ongoing imports of employee skills data from PrismHR:

    • HRPAPI_initial_emp_skills

    • HRPAPI_ongoing_emp_skills

  • Added a new Lookup value to Lookup Group HRP Class with a Code and Decode of Skills. This new value has been added via a script to the Class field of the PrismHR Subscription record (System Admin > Administrative Data> PrismHR Subscription).

  • Added a new Employee Skill business rule which uses the SetImportID business rule method to update the Import ID on the Employee Skill form.

See Employee Skills and Skill Codes HRPAPI Import Mappings.


Created New OSHA 300A Excel Merge for OSHA ITA Compliant Reporting

A new Excel Merge named OSHA_ITA_ 300A_EXPORT_2024 has been created (System Admin > OutputsMerges) to generate an OSHA report in the format required for submission through the Information Technology Application (ITA) portal.

Note: The merge generates the report in .xslx format. You can save this in the required .csv format prior to submission.

In addition to the merge, the following supporting changes were made:

  • Added an Export OSHA 300A ITA File custom link to the Client Master to run the report manually.

  • Added a Generate OSHA 300A ITA checkbox to the Client Master. When checked, the report is generated when the yearly scheduled process Generate OSHA Forms runs.

  • Updated the OSHA Forms dataform to include an OSHA 300A ITA field. The merge file attachment is added here when the yearly scheduled process Generate OSHA Forms runs (and the Generate OSHA 300A ITA checkbox on the Client Master is checked).

  • Updated the functionality of the Suppress on OSHA Log checkbox in the "Additional Information" section of the WC Claim dataform to prevent a claim from appearing in the OSHA 300A ITA merge file. Previously, this option only worked with the pre-existing version of the OSHA 300A report.

See OSHA 300A Report Details and OSHA 300A ITA Export Merge.


Added Benefit Parent Company Widget

A new Benefit Parent Company widget has been added (System Admin > Widget Layouts). The Benefit Parent Company widget displays the parent company or child company relationships on the Benefits Batch dataform. The widget contains links to the related workspaces so that you can quickly reference a workspace while working on benefits offerings and maintain consistency in benefits across related companies.

On a parent company Benefits Batch, the widget displays Benefit Child Companies:

Benefit Child Companies Widget

On a child company Benefits Batch, the widget displays the Benefit Parent Company.

Benefit Parent Company Widget

See Widget: Benefit Parent Company.


Added Skill Code Dataform and PrismHR API Support for Importing Employee Skill Codes

A new Skill Code multi-form dataform has been added to the Client Information dataform group (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin).

You can use the information on this form (along with other fields on the Employee Skill dataform) to create workflows for managing employee skills and certification renewal dates.

The dataform:

  • Stores imported employee skill code data from PrismHR. The fields are:

    • Skill Code

    • Description

  • Links from and displays on the Employee Skill dataform.

    • You can click Jump to Related Form in the Skill Code field on the Employee Skill Dataform to access the Skill Code dataform. See Related Case# 53433.


A new import mapping (System Admin > Advanced > Configure Import) has also been added to support initial imports of employee skill codes data from PrismHR:

  • HRPAPI_initial_codes_skill

See Employee Skills and Skill Codes HRPAPI Import Mappings.


Added Scheduled Email Templates

Previously, Real Time was the only option for Email Templates. Now, when adding a new email template, you can select between Real Time and Scheduled. Scheduled email templates work very similar to scheduled workflows.


To support scheduled email templates, a new scheduled process named Generate Scheduled Email Templates has been added (System Admin > Scheduled Processes). The scheduled process, by default, is Active and runs once every hour. It automatically locates and sends scheduled emails at the configured times without any manual effort required to initiate the process.


See Configuring Scheduled Email Templates and Scheduled Processes.


Added Email Integration Processing Multi-Tenancy Support

Previously, when emails were received using ClientSpace Email Integration, the CLID , which is used to properly identify the correct workspace for case creation, only consisted of the Client Number from the Client Master record. Now, to support multi-tenant environments, when the Use Multi-tenancy flag is set in PEO Configuration, the CLID has been modified to also include the PEO ID from the Client Master record.


In multi-tenant environments, the format of the CLID is PEOID::ClientNumber.


For example, a CLID of 165::000110 signifies the Client Number is 000110 and the PEO ID is 165.


Note: The multi-tenant CLID uses the same formatting convention we currently use to create a workspace Import ID for importing data from multiple PrismHR databases into the appropriate workspaces.


See Email Integration Processing and Multi-tenant Environments in ClientSpace.


Updated Reported By (Employee) on Cases

Several changes have been made to the Reported By (Employee) field in the Case Assignment section of the Client Service Case dataform:

  • The field display settings have been removed from the Reported By (Employee) field so that it is always displayed.

  • Additionally, when the Communication Method field equals Employee Portal, the Reported By (Employee) field becomes "read-only".

  • When the Reported By (Employee) value is added or updated (i.e., Is Dirty), the value is used to auto-fill the Reported By (i.e., caller name) field located in the Case Details section. The Email Address and Phone Number for Reported By (Employee) and Reported By are also auto-filled from the related Contact record if the related contact record contains this information.


    Note: Clearing the Reported By (Employee) field clears the Reported By, Email Address and Phone Number fields.

  • If you do not select a Reported By (Employee) but you do select a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled from the selected Contact record if the record contains this information.

  • If you select both a Reported By (Employee) and a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled based on whichever field was completed last.

  • The Client Service Case Set Reported By Info business rule was updated to add every relevant Execution Pipeline. This ensures that the Reported By (Employee) updates to Reported By, Email Address and Phone Number occur regardless of how the case is created.

See Adding cases.

Technical Enhancements



68418, 70736

Refactored Workspace User Validation to Improve Workspace Access Speed

Previously, when you edited certain fields, ran certain reports or attempted to access a workspace, time outs or slow downs could occur. This happened when ClientSpace was attempting to validate whether a user was authorized to access a workspace. Now, the workspace validation process has been refactored to improve workspace access speed.


Note: Additional efficiencies may be added in future releases in an ongoing effort to improve workspace access speed.


Corrected a Security Vulnerability

A security vulnerability was identified that required the HTML lookup option to be removed from Valid Attachment Extension (ValidAttachExt) lookup group.



Issue summary



BI Dashboards Not Respecting #currentworkspace

Previously, BI Dashboards did not respect the #currentworkspace filter used to filter data specific to a current workspace. This issue has been corrected.


File Version Modal on Upload File Window Displayed Incorrect Date

Previously, when you clicked the Info Bubble on the Upload File window (and under Manage Versions), if there were multiple versions of the same file, the date was the same for all versions. This issue has been corrected.