Release 125 Notes

R125 Sprint: 2/1/2023 to 2/28/2023. To learn about product features that you may not recognize, contact ClientSpace Professional Services.

Release schedule

Release updates are implemented by the group, as indicated in the following table.


Enhancement groups are Change in Functionality, ClientSpace Premium (ClientSpace with additional modules), Advanced Administration, General, and Staffing.

ClientSpace Premium

Benefits API




Added ClientSpace to PrismHR Benefit Plan Export API

The Benefit Plan API is a one-way export API that allows you to export benefit plan setup information from ClientSpace to PrismHR. Once this information is in PrismHR, you can enroll employees and manage the plans in PrismHR.


To access articles related to setting up and using the new Benefit Plan API, see Benefit Plan API .


For a complete list of all of the Benefit Plan fields and Benefit Plan Rules that export to PrismHR, see the Attachments and Templates article and click the "ClientSpace to Prism Benefit Plan Export Field Mapping and Benefit Rules (Excel file)" link.


Added "Set Expiration Date" Business Rule

A new Set Expiration Date business rule for the Offered Benefits Plan dataform has been added. This rule uses the _SetFieldFromRelatedForm method and is deployed as an Inactive rule. It updates the Expiration Date field value on the Offered Benefit Plan record with the Expiration Date field value on the associated master Benefit Plan record to ensure that selected benefit plans exported to PrismHR have the correct expiration date. The field update occurs when you click the workflow link to select the Offered Benefit Plan.


See Configuring Benefit Plan API Business Rules.


Added New Waiting Period Intervals Lookup Group and Waiting Period Metadata Dataform

A new Waiting Period Intervals lookup group has been added to System Admin > Lookups > Manage Groups. The lookup group contains two new values: Days and Months. Both the lookup group and values are marked as system-level elements.

A Waiting Period Metadata dataform has also been added (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin) and is associated with the Benefit Waiting Period lookup group. It is a system-level dataform and the Can have multiple option is checked in the dataform properties by default indicating a one to many relationship. The dataform contains two fields: Minimum and Of Service. This data will be utilized by the Benefit Plan API when sending waiting period data to PrismHR.

With these changes, waiting period information will have the ability to be sent along with benefit plan data to PrismHR after exporting from ClientSpace. Users can set the waiting period in ClientSpace by selecting it from the Waiting Period field located on the Benefit Groups dataform. Waiting period information is then sent to PrismHR by the Benefit Plan API.

See Benefit Plan API Export Prerequisites.

Advanced Administration




Added Badge Counter to Tabbed Forms on Dataform Properties Action Center

A badge counter has been added to the Tabbed Forms menu item on the Dataform Properties Action Center (System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin). This allows you to see the number of tabs on the dataform at-a-glance as shown in the image below:


Added "Test Connection" Capability to PrismHR API Configuration

The ability to display a Test Connection button has been added to PrismHR API Configuration windows (System Admin > Advanced > API Configuration). This allows you to test the API username and password prior to using the API for the first time. To display Test Connection button, click the down arrow in Connection Tester field of the API Configuration window, select ClientSpace.Core.DataAccess.RestPostTester, and Save or Apply.

When the Test Connection button is clicked, the system connects to the API and either returns a "Connected Successfully" message or an "Unable to connect" message. The "Unable to connect" message lists missing parameters contributing to the failure to connect.

See Configuring the API account information.


Added Ability to Specify an Alternate Endpoint for View in Salesforce Link on Organization Record

Previously, the View in Salesforce link that is mapped to the Salesforce API only navigated to the URL shown in the Endpoint field of the Salesforce API Configuration window (System Admin > Advanced > API Configuration). Now, an alternate endpoint URL can be configured on the Salesforce API Configuration window in the Additional Parameters section by adding AlternateEndpoint in the Parameter field and specifying the alternate endpoint URL in the Value field. Once the AlternateEndpoint parameter is configured, if the value in the Endpoint field is invalid, clicking the View in Salesforce link on an Organization record navigates to the alternate endpoint URL.


See Configuring the Salesforce API in ClientSpace and Additional Parameters.

General Enhancements




Added Field Comparison Capability to Workflow Channel Condition Configuration

You can now build field comparison condition expressions in Step 4: Conditions of Workflow Channel configuration. With field comparison condition expressions, you can compare the field value in a field on a single dataform with:

  • A manually typed, static value in the trigger condition configuration.


  • The field value in a field on the same dataform or a different single dataform. (If you are selecting the same dataform, it can either be a single dataform or a multi-form. If you are selecting a different dataform, it must be a single dataform.)

Note: When building the condition expression, the datatype of the field or manual entry displayed in the Value field must exactly match the datatype of the source form field selection displayed in Field. Example: Decimal to Decimal NOT Currency to Decimal.


See the condition expression examples illustrated in the screens below:


Example 1: Manually Typed, Static Value


Example 2: Field Value - Same Dataform


Example 3: Field Value - Different Dataform

See Step 4: Conditions.


Enhanced Datatype Validation for Multiple Business Rule Methods

Previously, datatype validation on the following "set field" and "stage changes" business rule methods did not warn you of invalid configuration where the TargetField and SourceField datatypes were mismatched:

  • _SetFieldFromForm

  • _SetFieldOnFormFromForm

  • _SetFieldFromLookupMetadata

  • _StageChangesOnFormFromForm

  • _SetFieldOnRelatedForm

  • _SetFieldFromRelatedForm

The datatype incompatibility between the TargetField and SourceField resulted in exception errors when the rule was triggered. Now, the validation rules function as follows: 

  • If the TargetField and SourceField values share the same datatype, validation passes on Save. Example: Text to Text.

  • If TargetField value datatype is NOT the same as the SourceField value datatype but IS of another compatible datatype, validation passes on Save. Example: Currency to Decimal.

  • If the TargetField value datatype is NOT the same as the SourceField value datatype and is NOT of another compatible datatype, the following soft error message displays: "The TargetField '<TargetField Value>' on Dataform '<Dataform Name>' may not be compatible with the SourceField '<SourceField Value>'. Do you wish to continue?"


    The soft error allows you to continue with the Save but if you do not correct the issue, errors may occur when the rule is triggered.

Note: In cases where there is not an exact datatype match, validation against a list of other compatible datatypes may not be exhaustive.

See Field Datatype Validation - Compatible Datatypes and Configuring Rules and Business Logic


Added New Image Display Widget

A new Image Display widget has been added that allows you to display a selected image on the Home page, a single form dataform header, or a workspace landing page. Additionally, you can optionally configure settings to open a web link in a separate browser tab when the image is clicked.

Validation is in place to display an appropriate error message when the widget renders if:

  • The field containing the image to display is blank.

  • The field containing the image to display contains a file that is not a recognized image file type.

See Widget: Image Display.


Enhanced Error Message When Adding Duplicate Department and Department Name Change Enhancement

Previously, when you added a new department (System Admin > Department) and it could not be created because duplicate Member and Admin roles already existed, the error message was not meaningful and only indicated that "something went wrong during the save". Now, when you add a new department that cannot be created because duplicate Member and Admin roles exist, the following error message displays: 

"The Role Name '{DepartmentName}_Admin' or '{DepartmentName}_Member' cannot be duplicated so this department cannot be created. You must update the department name or alter the existing roles before proceeding."


Additionally, an enhancement was made to automatically update associated role names (System Admin > Security > Roles ) when you update a department name.


See Configuring Organization and Workspace Security and Administering role security.


Upgraded PrismHR API to version 1.30

The PrismHR API has been upgraded to version 1.30.


Made CSCDISCEMINT Email Template Generally Available

The CSCDISCEMINT email template is used to send notification messages to external users when a discussion response has been posted to the thread. This template is part of the standard PEO installation but was not available at sites by default. With this update, a script will run that makes the CSCDISCEMINT email template available as an active and published template at all sites. Validation is in place to only add the template where it does not already exist to prevent duplication.


Made Run Import Module Active for All ClientSpace Installations

With this update, the Run Import module is available in all ClientSpace installations as an Active module. The Run Import module allows a user who is not a Global Administrator to run imports if they are a member of a role that has appropriate security entity configuration. While many of our customers are already using the Run Import module, it was manually configured by a member of the Professional Services team. Now, the module is accessible to all by default. Only users who are members of a role configured with the SYS_ImportManager security entity in System Admin > Security > Roles with Admin rights have the ability to run imports.


Note: If the SystemImport_RunImport entity is not added to the role with Admin rights, an error message displays when a user who is not a Global Administrator attempts to run an import.


See Configuring import management for non-Global Admins.


Changed Auto Archive Reports Default Run Frequency

The default Frequency Type of the Auto Archive Reports scheduled process has been changed from Daily to Monthly.



Issue summary



Leading and Trailing Spaces in Gradient AI Health Benefits Export Files Caused Improper Import of Some Values

Previously, when Gradient AI Health Benefits information was submitted to Gradient AI, the presence of leading and trailing spaces in front of some of the values caused some data to import incorrectly to the Gradient AI system. Now, leading and trailing spaces are being trimmed from the export file values.


PrismAPI Edits to Job Codes Were Not Imported into ClientSpace

Previously, if you made changes in PrismHR to a Job Code, the HRPAPI_Ongoing scheduled process did not update affected ClientSpace workspaces with the changes. A stored procedure change was made to correct this issue.


Sorting Contact Page Dashboard Resulted in Incorrect Display

Previously, when the records on the Contact Page Dashboard were sorted, page 1 of the list was duplicated on page 2 and subsequent pages. This issue has been resolved.


UI Claims Module Did Not Display Client Services Workspace Claims from SIDES

Previously, the UI Claims module dashboard did not display SIDES claims that were added by default to the Client Services Department workspace due to a missing Client Master or employee association. Now, these claims display in the UI module dashboard. Additionally, you can now use the Client field in the More search to filter for the Client Services workspace and you can also use the Move Claim button (located in the top right corner of the dashboard) to move a Client Services claim to another workspace.


Error Message Displayed When Global Admins Attempted to Add or Edit CSCRPLY Template

Previously, an error message displayed when Global Administrators attempted to add or edit a CSCRPLY email template. Now, Global Administrators can add or edit CSCRPLY email templates.


  • Global Administrators can only add email templates that begin with a template code of CSCRPLY.

  • Validation is in place to ensure that no duplicate template codes are added. If a duplicate is found, the following error message displays: "This Template Code is already in use."