Configuring the API account information

The API Configuration contains the information to connect to the specific PrismHR installation for the client.

To configure the API:

  1. Go to System Admin > Advanced > API Configuration.
    The API Configuration dashboard opens.
  2. Click Add.
    The New API Configuration form opens.

PrismHR API Configuration Window With Settings Entered

  1. Complete the form.
API Type Select PrismHR API.
Application Code Select PrismHRAPI as the Primary PrismHR server. There can be multiple instances of this API configuration type for multiple PrismHR servers. Name them PrismHRAPIx. The scheduled process will iterate through every API Configuration where Application Code starts with PrismHRAPI%.
Application Name Type a description. This name is displayed in the ClientSpace lists. Use PrismHR API.
UserName This is the username registered with PrismHR.
Password Provide the password associated with the account username.
Description Provide a brief description of the API.


Type a formatted URL that points to PrismHR, such as Must include the trailing / character.

Secondary ID

An identifier used to enable the monitoring of all Prism Clients at an installation.

Logging Level

Select a logging level:

  • Level 0 (None): No log data is produced.
  • Level 1 (Errors): Only errors are logged to the Scheduled Process History Table.
  • Level 2 (Verbose): All log data is stored in the Scheduled Process History Table. This includes entry/status/exit entries for every Prism API call and ClientSpace action (up to the Import Phase). Errors and Information entries are created.


When this option is selected, the configuration is active (enabled).

Connection Tester

Select ClientSpace.Core.DataAccess.RestPostTester and Save or Apply to display the Test Connection button.

Test Connection

When the Connection Tester field is set to ClientSpace.Core.DataAccess.RestPostTester, clicking Test Connection connects to the API and either returns a "Connected Successfully" message or an "Unable to connect" message. The "Unable to connect" message lists missing parameters contributing to the failure to connect.

  1. Click Save.