Error messages: ClientSpace and PrismHRAPI Staffing Placement Refresh

When ClientSpace cannot communicate with the PrismHR API while using the “Refresh Placement List” functionality, an error message is displayed: "Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: {Error Code}). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator."

Use the following table for the Error Code and its meaning.

Error Code Meaning Message
Error [900] (no "peo_id" in querystring and no “Secondary ID" found on “PRISMHRAPI” APIConfig) Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: 900). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [901] (could not retrieve APIConfig by AppCode) Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: 901). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [902] (could not obtain a LoginResponse via APIConfig endpoint) Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: 902). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [903] (obtained a LoginResponse but no PlacementList returned via clientID & employeeID) Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: 903). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [904] (obtained PlacementListXml but no PlacementListResponse node) Unable to retrieve list (Error Code: 904). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [905] (no "peo_id" in querystring and no “Secondary ID" found on “PRISMHRAPI” APIConfig) Unable to retrieve list item (Error Code: 905). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [906] (could not retrieve APIConfig by AppCode) Unable to retrieve list item (Error Code: 906). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [907] (could not obtain a LoginResponse via APIConfig endpoint) Unable to retrieve list item (Error Code: 907). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.
Error [908] (obtained a LoginResponse but no Placement returned via vendorID, staffingClient, placementID) Unable to retrieve list item (Error Code: 908). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.

Error [909]

(obtained PlacementXml but no PlacementResponse node)

Unable to retrieve list item (Error Code: 909). Please contact your ClientSpace Administrator.

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