Configuring the Quick Case Feature

Some of the elements which support the Quick Case feature can be configured by a Global Administrator.

Client Service Case Types

On the Client Service Case Type form, review the following configuration:

  • Specify the case types users can access from the Quick Case Type field list by setting the Expose Case Type to Quick Case flag on the Client Service Case Type form.

  • Optionally, set the Require Employee flag on the Client Service Case Type form of each case type where you want to make the Employee field required for data entry.

For details on updating Client Service Case Type records, see Configuring case types.

Client Service Case Category Metadata

On the Client Service Case Category Metadata form, optionally add a Short Name for each case type category on the Client Service Case Metadata form. This allows users to filter the Quick Case Type field lookup list by case type category Short Name during data entry.

For details on updating Client Service Case Category Metadata, see Configuring Case Category Metadata.

Quick Case Window Access Permissions

Add Quick Case window access permissions. Access permissions to the Quick Case dialog are controlled by a new security entity: biz_ClientServiceCase_QuickCase. Add the entity to desired roles and configure the entity to match role requirements.

For more details on updating role security, see Administering role security.

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