Configuring Case Category Metadata

The Client Service Case Category Metadata form allows you to specify metadata that can be used to link case category information directly to a particular code or drive business logic related to cases types within a case category.

Adding Case Categories

To add client service case category metadata:

  1. Go to Admin Workspace.

  2. In the Search for Dataform section, search for Client Service Case Category Metadata or select Client Service > Client Service Case Category Metadata.

    The Client Service Case Category Metadata dashboard displays.

  3. Click Add to add a new Case Category Metadata record or click Edit to update an existing Case Category Metadata record .

    The Client Service Case Category Metadata form opens.

  4. Complete the form as required. Required fields are shown in red:




    Case type category. Example: Assign all accounting related case types, such as Invoice Question and Banking Issues, to a case category named Accounting.

    Short Name

    A "nickname" for a case category. Example: Assign a Short Name of Acct for the Accounting case category. Once assigned, the Short Name is appended to the front of the case type and can be used in typeahead selection lists and searches to filter values and expedite data entry. In the example image below, entering "acct" in a typeahead selection list filters the selections to only display values with the "Acct" Short Name.

    Workspace Group

    Click in the field to select one or more workspace groups. Indicates the workspace group to associate with the case category and controls whether the case types associated with that case category are available for selection when adding and managing cases. For example, you may determine that case types in the Accounting category may only be associated with the Clients and Prospects workspace groups. As a result, the case types in the Accounting category are available as a case type assignment when managing Client and Prospect workspaces but are NOT available when managing Internal workspaces.

    Avg Bill Rate

    Enter the Average Bill Rate for the services represented by the case types within this case category.

    Default Time Tracking Category

    Select the default time tracking category used for this case category.

    Responsible Department

    Assign the department responsible as the backup assignment when both the Assigned To user and the Backup Assigned To user on a case become invalid (i.e., are blank, Inactive, Expired, or marked "Out of Office). The system will assign the manager of the Responsible Department listed on the Case Category Metadata record as the Assigned To user for the case.

  5. Click Save.