Moving a SIDES Claim

The process of moving a SIDES claim is the same as moving any UI claim in ClientSpace. The only difference is that ClientSpace attempts to match SIDES claims to the correct workspaces for you initially. Therefore, in most cases, the only claims requiring a manual move to a new location are the ones that could not be automatically matched to the correct workspace.

When ClientSpace cannot match a claim by company and SSN, the claim is listed in the Unemployment Claim dashboard of the Client Services Department workspace. The Client Services Department workspace is treated as a temporary holding workspace where unmatched claims reside until they are researched. After researching an unmatched claim, workflow allows you to manually move it to the appropriate workspace or process the unmatched claim in the Client Services Department workspace with a relevant response, such as "Never Employed Here" or "Fraudulent Claim".

The steps to move a claim from the UI Claims dashboard are located in the Move Unemployment Insurance Claims section of the Managing Unemployment Claims topic.

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