Amending a SIDES Claim

After the initial submission of a SIDES claim to the state, the state may request an amendment so that you can provide additional information. The amendment is requested external to ClientSpace.

To amend a SIDES Claim:

  1. In the Action Center, under Workflow, click the Amend the Response? link.

    An Amended Response fieldset displays at the top of the page. A field containing the amended response count auto-populates.

    Note: A claim can be amended up to 9 times.

  2. Complete the Description field. Enter the reason for the amended response or a brief description of what is being changed.

  3. Make any other changes as necessary.

    Note: Changes can be made to fields already answered if information has changed.

  4. After changes are made and ready to be submitted, click Resubmit to SIDES link to put the claim back into Queued status. The scheduled process picks up the changes and sends them to the state.

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