Configuring the Import Map Detail

After you configure the Import Map Header (to select the dataform you will insert/update), the next step is to add the fields using the Import Map Detail form. Add each field from the import file that you want to import into ClientSpace, selecting the most appropriate values that match both the data you are importing as well as the field into which you are importing the data.

To configure the Import Map Detail:

  1. From the Import Map Header form that you just added/edited (in Configuring the Import Map Header), in the right pane, click Fields.
    The Import Map Search dashboard opens. The list presents the fields that have been added for the Import Map Header.
  2. To add fields, click Add.
    The Import Map Detail form opens.

  1. Complete the required fields.

File Column

Required. This is the exact column header name from the data file you are importing. This field is case sensitive: Clientname is different from ClientName.


Select a dataform. The system then provides a list of fields from that dataform in the Field list.


Select the field you want to populate. The Dataform selected on the Import Map Detail must match either the Dataform selected on the Import Map Header Detail or the tabbed forms related to that dataform.



Tabbed dataforms always have a parent form field linked to the primary dataform selected on the Import Map Header Detail and are associated with the primary form as a tab. For information about associating tabbed forms, log an Extranet case.

Data Type

Required. Indicates the type of information you insert into the field. The following list describes the types of data that your file should contain and can include:

Checkbox: Import file should contain a One for True and a Zero for False
Date: Properly mm/dd/yyyy formatted date string (10/15/2016).
Email: Properly formatted email addresses (for example, <RecipientName>@<DomainName>.<TopLevelDomain>). The Email Data Type uses the Default Value setting to determine how to handle a bad email address. See Default Value Options (below) for more information about the actions for a field with the Email Data Type.
Foreign Key: Foreign Keys use the provided value in the file to match the selected Table and Field in the configuration and set the foreign key stored in the field to the primary key of the selected record.
Lookup: Lookups use the provided value from the file and match that to the ImportID of the configured Lookup field to select and store the appropriate associated Code value in the field. If there is no ImportID, then the system validates against the Group/Code value of the lookups to try and import.
Number: Whole number or decimal.
Phone: Formatted or unformatted phone number.
Text: Plain text value.
Time: Similar to date, but should contain the Time value, such as 11:15 PM, that you would like to store in the field.

Lookup Table

When the Data Type Foreign Key is selected, use this required field to select the table (in conjunction with Field) to match the foreign key passed from the file.

Lookup Field

When the Data Type Foreign Key is selected, use this required field to select the field (in conjunction with Table) to match the foreign key passed from the file.

Required Value

When selected, the datarow value must be provided in the file (no blank cells), or the default value must be entered. If neither of these is present, the system issues a validation error.

Required Column

When selected, this column must be in the header and datarow of the imported file (blank values in the datarow use the default value configured).

Default Value

You can configure this in several ways on a field-by-field basis.

  1. Click None.
    The Default Value Options dialog box opens.
  2. You can configure the default value field to handle blank values using the following options:

Standard Imports

None: If the Import file column is empty, clears the dataform field.
Current Value: If the Import file column is empty, it leaves the current value in the dataform field.
Specific Value
If the Import file column is empty, set the value in the dataform field to the value provided (for example, "UseThisValue").
If there is a problem with the configured Default Value, the Current Value is the default.


Imports with Email Data Type Fields

When you select a Data Type of "Email", the Validation Behavior field displays. This is a required field used to configure ClientSpace behavior when a missing or invalid email address is encountered in a PrismHR import record. If you choose the Use Default Value option, a row with a missing or invalid email address will import but the system applies a specified Default Value setting (i.e., a permitted substitution) in place of the missing or invalid email address in the import record. For complete details on these settings, see the Validation Behavior field definition below.


Salesforce Imports

None: If the Import file column is empty, clears the dataform field.
Current Value: If the Salesforce field value is empty or API Path is set to UseDefault, it leaves the current value in the dataform field.
Specific Value
If the Salesforce field value is empty or API Path is set to UseDefault, it sets the value in the dataform field to the value provided (for example, "UseThisValue").
For User, Organization, or Contact fields, the provided value MUST be the PK of the form to use (no decoding is performed, the raw value is used).


Salesforce Exports

None: If the Salesforce field value is empty OR API Path is set to UseDefault, it clears the Salesforce Object field.
Current Value: If the Salesforce field value is empty OR API Path is set to UseDefault, it leaves the current value in the Salesforce Object field.
Specific Value:
If the Salesforce field value is empty or API Path is set to UseDefault, it sets the value in the Salesforce Object field to the value provided (for example, "UseThisValue").
For Account, Opportunity, or Contact fields, the provided value MUST be the SalesforceID of the record to use (no decoding is performed, the raw value is used).
  1. When done, click Ok.

Allow Invalid Lookup Values

This option is only available when Data Type is Lookup.

  • When enabled, the Allow Invalid Lookup Values option allows column data to be imported into the field that does not match the ImportID of a valid lookup (this is normally required). For Lookup (core) and Lookup - Typeahead datatypes, the invalid data is imported and displayed in the field. For multi-lookups, the data is imported into the field but does not display. Enabling this option allows these invalid values and logs the failed validation.
  • When cleared, failed validations against lookups with importIDs are logged and not imported. If there is no importID on the Lookup value then validation will occur against the Group/Code value of the records. If this fails then the failed validations are logged and not imported.

When ClientSpace encounters a lookup error during import, the system displays a message that indicates whether the import was successful (allowed) or if the import failed (not allowed).

See Managing Import Data and Common import errors.

API Path

Specifies the mapping path used to connect to a third-party API. This field is used only for imports configured to access directly from a third-party system API. This field is available when Import Type is set to API on the Import Map Header Detail form.

Validation Behavior

When a Data Type of "Email" is selected, the Validation Behavior field displays. This is a required field used to configure ClientSpace behavior when a missing or invalid email address is encountered in a PrismHR import. Select a configuration option from the drop down list. Available options are:

  • Fail Entire Row: Fails the entire import file row when a missing or invalid email is encountered. An error message is recorded in the Manage Import Details Log File and Log Data.

  • Use Default Value: Allows the row to import but applies a specified Default Value setting (i.e., a permitted substitution) in place of the invalid email address in the import record:

    • None: Allows the row to import but sets the ClientSpace email field to blank if the incoming value is invalid.

    • Current Value: Allows the row to import but preserves the current value in the ClientSpace email field if the incoming value is invalid.

    • Specific Value: Allows the row to import but replaces the invalid email address with a specified value in the ClientSpace email field. The Specific Value is also validated. If the Specific Value is determined to be invalid, the entire row fails.


If you click the Required Value checkbox on the Import Map Detail screen and the selected Data Type is "Email", "Fail Entire Row" is set by default in the Validation Behavior field and cannot be edited (unless you uncheck Required Value). This informs the system that an email field entry is required in each import row. If the email value is missing (i.e., blank) in the import row, the row fails. No Default Value substitutions are permitted.


A short description of the imported data being imported, such as the data source. For example, "Payroll System, Client Address 1 field."


When selected, this field is actively included in the import and subject to associated validation. Inactive rows are ignored on import.

  1. To add multiple records, click Save & New. Else, click Save.
  2. Continue adding fields, until you have included each field in the import file you would like to insert into ClientSpace.