Adding Contacts to the Organization

The following procedure describes how to add a contact from the Organization record. For details about adding a Primary Contact, see Adding and editing Organizations. To access Contacts, you must have at least View rights to the CRM security entity. 

To add a contact:

  1. Open the Organization record.
  2. In the Action Center, expand Contacts, and click Add.

The Add Contact form opens.

  1. Complete the form fields:
Organization Required. If you are adding a contact from an Organization record, this field is auto-filled with the Organization name.
First, Last, Middle Required. Provide first and last names. Middle is optional.
Job Title Required. Provide job title.
Related User If this contact has a User Profile, select their username from the list.
Category Select a category that best fits the contact's role in the onboarding process: Payroll, Decision Maker, Operations, Other, Personal.
Assigned To This is the salesperson who is responsible for onboarding the prospective client.
Business Phone Contact's business phone number. To add a phone extension, type the full number with the extension: 11122233331234. It renders as (111) 222-3333 x:1234.
Primary Email Contact's business email address.
Mobile Contact's mobile phone number.
Prefix Contact's prefix such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr.
Suffix Contact's suffix such as Jr.
Fax Contact's FAX number.
Secondary Email Contact's secondary email (if applicable).
Pager Contact's pager number (if applicable).
Birthday Contact's birthday.
Nickname Contact's nickname (if applicable).
Import ID Import ID is auto-filled if the Contact record was imported from another source such as Salesforce.
Notes Notes are auto-filled if the data was imported from another source.
Marketo ID Marketo ID is auto-filled If the data was imported from Marketo.
Sync with Organization Address Select this option to auto-fill the address of the contact from the Organization record. Default is enabled (selected).
Address 1, Address 2 Auto filled if you select Sync with Organization Address.
Postal Code, City, County, Country Auto filled if you select Sync with Organization Address.

Default is Active (selected). To inactivate this contact, clear the option.

When you attempt to inactivate a Primary Contact, a warning message displays, asking if you want to proceed.

  1. Click Save when complete.

What's next?

Now that you have a contact set up, you can begin to record sales activities to help you track communication with the prospective client. See Activities.

To watch the video about Contacts, see Learning how: Contact Overview.