Add a Case by Using the Cases Dashboard
You can add a case by using the Cases (Cases 2.0) or Cases-Old (Cases 1.0) dashboard.
You can also add a Quick Case from the Cases dashboard (not the Cases-Old dashboard) with minimal data entry of required fields. You can return to the case record later and enter additional information as necessary. For more details on adding a Quick Case, refer to Adding a Quick Case.
To add a case:
In the modules bar, select Cases or select Cases Module Old.
A list of Cases displays.
Click the Add button.
Select a workspace in the Choose a Workspace field and click the GO button.
(Jump) for a workspace in the Or select a Recent Workspace list.
The Client Service Case: Add page displays.
Complete the information in the Case Details section. Required fields are marked in red.
The following table outlines the fields in the Case Details section.
Select a broad classification for this case.
Case Type
Type is a more specific classification for the case. Case Types are filtered by the selected Category. To expedite your selection, this is a typeahead field. You can scroll the list and select a type or start typing and select a match. When the Case Type is selected, a few of the fields are auto-filled.
Assigned To
Client Contact
Select the contact for this client.
Reported By
Can be manually typed. Auto-fills when the Reported By (Employee) value is added or updated (i.e., Is Dirty).
The corresponding Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled from the Contact record associated with the Related By (Employee) if the related contact record contains this information. Note that clearing the Reported By (Employee) field also clears the Reported By, Email Address, and Phone Number fields.
If you do not select a Reported By (Employee) but you do select a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled from the selected Contact record if the record contains this information.
If you select both a Reported By (Employee) and a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled based on whichever field was completed last.
Phone Number
Auto-filled when you select a Client Contact or when the Reported By (Employee) value is added or updated.
New is the default. Status is updated when the Workflow Links are selected.
Email Address
Auto-filled when you select a Client Contact or when the Reported By (Employee) value is added or updated.
Medium is the default.
Due Date
Auto-filled when Case Type is selected. Else, you can set a due date.
Notify User
Auto-filled with the name of the user completing the form.
This is where you select the employee that is the reason for the case, such as an employee onboarding or termination request. Employee lookup only includes active employee records. To include inactive employees, begin your search by typing a ~ (tilde). The list then displays inactive records.
Provide a descriptive subject.
Provide a detailed description of the issue. Include the communication with the client.
Provide what was done to complete the case. Internal Notes
Provide notes and direction for internal team members. When addressing another team member, begin your comment with their name and change the Assigned To field to that individual. Case Notes
If applicable, the Case Notes can be used to communicate with other contacts outside of your Organization. Disable Notifications
When checked, this setting prevents any notifications from sending when the form is saved. This is useful when an edit is applied, and it is unnecessary to notify any subscribers or notification users. Hours to Complete
Provide hours, If applicable. Case Num
Auto-filled. Created By
Create Date
Auto-filled with current Date and Time.
Create Time
Auto-filled with current Time.
Level 1 Escalation Date
If applicable, this auto-fills based on the Level 1 Escalation parameters. Level 1 Escalation Time
If applicable, this auto-fills based on the Level 1 Escalation parameters. Level 2 Escalation Date
If applicable, this auto-fills based on the Level 2 Escalation parameters. Level 2 Escalation Time
If applicable, this auto-fills based on the Level 2 Escalation parameters. Resolution Date
This auto-fills with the Date and Time when the Status changes to Complete. Resolution Time
This auto-fills with the Time when the Status changes to Complete. Reported By (Employee)
This is the name of the employee who reported the case.
When the Reported By (Employee) value is added or updated (i.e., Is Dirty), the value is used to auto-fill the Reported By (i.e., caller name) field located in the Case Details section. The corresponding Email Address and Phone Number are also auto-filled from the related Contact record if the Contact record contains this information. Note that clearing the Reported By (Employee) field also clears the Reported By, Email Address, and Phone Number fields.
If you do not select a Reported By (Employee) but you do select a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled from the selected Contact record if the record contains this information.
If you select both a Reported By (Employee) and a Client Contact, the Email Address and Phone Number are auto-filled based on whichever field was completed last.
Additionally, when the Communication Method field equals Employee Portal, the Reported By (Employee)field becomes "read-only".
Case Audit
Provides a list of user activity within the case. Communication Method
Select the method by which the client communication originated: Email, Email Add In, Email Integration, Employee Portal, Fax, Other, Phone, Voice Mail, or Workflow Channel.
The method is auto-filled and set to read-only for cases created from an Email, Email Integration, Employee Portal, and Workflow Channels.
Enabled by default.
Update the information in the Case Assignment section as necessary.
Click the Save button.
Click the Save & New button.