Salesforce API Data Relationships Overview

The Salesforce API Integration is a PEO process that maintains data synchronization between a Client’s ClientSpace installation and their respective Salesforce system. 

During the life cycle of a Deal, either Salesforce or ClientSpace is responsible for the data. Typically, when in the Lead Discovery cycle, Salesforce owns the data. As changes are made in Salesforce, ClientSpace is updated with those changes. When the Deal has reached a certain level, ClientSpace will no longer accept changes from Salesforce but will keep Salesforce up to date with certain data as changes are made in ClientSpace. 

Although this is a PEO process, custom fields in both ClientSpace and Salesforce can be imported. Configuration handles the specific fields to be managed. The exchange of data between the systems is highly configurable. Data elements are mapped at the field level for each system using standard ClientSpace Import Map Headers and Details. 

When ClientSpace dataforms (gen_) are updated from Salesforce, they are saved via Dataform Pipeline Logic, which then executes business rules and triggers email templates.

Data Relationships for Salesforce API

The following diagram shows the relationships between Salesforce and ClientSpace objects. Only one Opportunity can be mapped to ClientSpace per Organization, even though there can be multiple Opportunities associated with an Account. Use the Opportunity RecordType.Name to identify the correct Opportunity (see ClientSpace Configuration section).

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