Salesforce API Testing (Implementation Phase 4)
Testing of the Salesforce API can occur in the Sandbox or in Production. This part of the implementation is completed with the assistance of a ClientSpace team member.
To test the Salesforce API:
When ready to test, turn on the Salesforce Sync Rest API Scheduled Process (System Admin
> Advanced > Scheduled Processes).
On the Scheduled Processes Admin dashboard, click
(Open) next to the Salesforce Sync Rest API Scheduled Process.
If the Next Run Date is set to a future date, change it to today's date.
Save the change and close the scheduled process.
Then, on the Scheduled Processes Admin dashboard, select the Salesforce Sync Rest API Scheduled Process and then click the Run Process button.
Manually create the work queue for the "zzPrismHR" test account, opportunity and contract, copy/paste the SalesforceID into the work queue and check to see if records are created.
Note: If Completed is checked, the record will not be imported into Salesforce.
When finished testing, turn off the Salesforce Sync Rest API Scheduled Process.