Exporting Salesforce Data Overview

Exports allowed

A flag is used to determine whether or not ClientSpace will export data to Salesforce. This flag is set via the API Configuration form. It cannot be changed programmatically.


Update Opportunity and/or Account based on mappings (Org and Org Other Info).


Client Master data is combined with other workspace data using the PEO stored procedure peo_salesforce_org_s_workspace_by_org.


Update Contact based on mappings (Contact and Contact Other Info).
Create new contact based on mappings (Contact and Contact Other Info).
Create converts the Org Assigned To to a Salesforce User or Salesforce Account Owner.

To add Client Master Export fields:

1. Add a custom version of this stored procedure to your system that includes the additional fields.
update Opportunity and/or Account based on mappings (Client Master)
set Opportunity.StageName based on ClientMaster.Status
2. For questions or help with this, log an Extranet case.

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