OSHA 301 Report Details

The OSHA 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report is a U.S. Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration report that you are required to complete within 7 days of a work-related injury or illness being reported. It is submitted with the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses Report and OSHA 300A Summary Report.

This topic details how to run the OSHA 301 report and provides field mapping details of where the report data comes from in ClientSpace.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. On the modules bar, select WC Claims.

    The WC Claims dashboard displays.

  2. In the Action Center, under Reports, click OSHA 301.
  3. The OSHA 301 generates as a PDF in your Windows Downloads folder.
  4. Open the report and ensure that all fields are completed satisfactorily.
  5. If there are missing or incorrect fields and you are not sure of the location of the data in ClientSpace, refer to the Column Mappings section below, enter the correct information and run the report again.

Column Mappings

Review the image and table below for OSHA 301 field mapping details. Match the item number shown on the image to the item number in the table.

Note: Wherever there is (Open) link on the Comp Claim form that allows you to jump from the Comp Claim to a mapped field residing on a different form, we display the "jump" navigation method in the ClientSpace Field Location column of the table below. As the OSHA 301 report is generated from the Comp Claim, we assume in this topic that the Comp Claim is your starting point when navigating to the mapped fields in ClientSpace.

Item #

OSHA 301 Field

ClientSpace Field

ClientSpace Field Location

Column 1 - Section 1
1 Completed By

Claim Specialist

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section.


Note:Although Claim Specialist displays on the Comp Claim form as a selection, the value is located in the Users table here:  System Admin >Users> User Details form > General section.

2 Title


System Admin >Users> User Details form > General section.

3 Phone


System Admin >Users> User Details form > General section.

4 Date


Uses current system date.

Column 2 - Section 1: Information about the employee
5 Full Name

First Name and Last Name

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Employee Detail section.

6 Street

Address1 and Address2

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Contact Information section.

7 City


WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Contact Information section.

8 State


WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Contact Information section.


Zip Code

Employees > Employee form > Home tab > Contact Information section.

10 Date of birth


Employees > Employee form > Home tab > Employee Detail section.

11 Date hired

Last Hire Date

Employees > Employee form > Home tab > Employee Info link under Action Center > Employment form >  Employment Information section.

12 Male


WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Employee Detail section.

13 Female


WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section > Click (Open) in Employeefield to display Employee form > Home tab > Employee Detail section.

Column 2 - Section 2: Information about the physician or other health care professional


Name of physician or other health care professional


WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section.




WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section.



Address1 and Address2

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section > Click (Open) in Provider field to display Comp Claim Medical Provider form.




WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section > Click (Open) in Provider field to display Comp Claim Medical Provider form.




WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section > Click (Open) in Provider field to display Comp Claim Medical Provider form.



ZIP Code

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab >Treatment link under Action Center > Comp Claim Treatment form > Treatment Information section > Click (Open) in Provider field to display Comp Claim Medical Provider form.


Was employee treated in emergency room?

Treated in Emergency Room

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.


Was employee hospitalized overnight as an in-patient?

Hospitalized Overnight

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.

Column 3 - Section 1: Information about the case


Case number from the Log

ClientSpace Claim ID

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section.


Date of injury or illness

Date of Injury

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section.


Time employee began work

Start of work (DOI)

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section.


Time of event

Time of Injury

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Claim Details section.


What was the employee doing just before the incident occurred?

Pre-Injury Activity

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.


What happened?

Accident Details

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.


What was the injury or illness?

Describe Injury or Illness

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.


What object or substance directly harmed the employee?

Cause of Injury Detail

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Comp Claim Injurytab > Injury Details section.


If the employee died, when did death occur? Date of death

Date of Death

WC Claims > Comp Claim form > Home tab > Click Show Details in Claim Details section to view Date of Death in Additional Claim Information section.

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