Viewing and publishing email templates

Email templates can be viewed and published by global administrators.

To view email templates:

1. Go to System Admin > Email Templates.

The Email Templates dashboard opens.

2. From the Email Templates list, you can do the following:
Action Description


To add an email template, click Add. See Configuring Email Templates.


To view details about an email template, click Details.


To delete the selected email template, click Delete.


To clone an email template, click Clone.

Publish and Unpublish

When selected, the Published column indicates the email template is published.

To unpublish the email template, clear the Published option.
To publish an unpublished email template, select the Published option.
View Published and Unpublished Email Templates 

By default, the Status chiclet is set to Published.

To toggle the Status:

  1. Click the Status chiclet Published.
    The More dialog opens.
  2. Select a Status: All, Published, Unpublished.
  3. Click Search.
    The Email Templates list is displayed according to your selection. Unpublished email templates are displayed in italics and bold. Published entries display as normal and have the Published column selected.
  4. You can also click the X beside Status Published.
    This action displays all email templates: published and unpublished.
  5. To reset the view back to Published, click Reset.