Step 4: Conditions

Conditions determine how and when the email notification triggers. You can configure display conditions (in the Add section), and you can use the display conditions in the Condition Expression field. When the Condition Expression field is empty, the display conditions process as ORs. In the example, the Condition Expression examines 1 and 2. Both conditions must be met. Without the Condition Expression, the display conditions process as 1 or 2. Only one of the conditions must be met. For a detailed explanation about conditions, see the topic Condition Expressions.

The following procedures guide you through configuring conditions. You can clone conditions and also set up a condition based on the number of days, months, or years from a date.

Email Templates Conditions Tab

To configure conditions:

  1. Complete the fields:
No Primary Trigger When selected, no single condition must be met to trigger the email template. When selected, the Primary Trigger Field is disabled.

Only Trigger Once

When selected, the email template is triggered only once when the conditions are first met. Do not select this option if you want the email template to trigger each time the conditions are met.

Primary Trigger Field

Optional. From the Triggering Form selected in Step 1, which, when changed, triggers the event. This can also be a HdrAction, such as a configured action link on the form.


The following statements refer to the condition entries in the Add area. Condition entries are identified with a Label (the last column).

If a Primary Trigger Field is selected, that field MUST change values to trigger this template and evaluate the conditions.
If a Primary Trigger Field is not selected, only the conditions are evaluated.
If a Primary Trigger Field is selected, the conditions are combined with the Primary Trigger Field using an implied AND.
If no Condition Expression is used, the additional conditions are treated as OR conditions.

The Primary Trigger Field only displays fields associated with the triggering dataform and includes the ability to Add Untriggered Field.

To add display conditions:

  1. Click Add.
    A row opens with columns Source, Field, Operator, Value, and Label. The Add section is where you can add more granular triggering conditions. Each row you add is a display condition. When Condition Expression is empty, the display conditions process as ORs, meaning only one of the conditions must be met for the email notification to trigger.

The Source list includes the triggering form and its tabs, the channel trigger (i.e., the original form that started the channel), all triggerable, active single-forms, and the tabs of those single-forms. Applicable server data procs, if configured, may also be included.


When you select Task as the Triggering Form in Step 1 Initial, in this step Source sets to Task.


Select the dataform or Stored Procedure field to compare to the trigger value.

A few notes:

  • Email Template triggering provides multi-lookup fields (Multi Lookup (MultiLookup)) as triggering conditions.
  • Field supports parent form fields. Available operators are Empty, Not Empty, and Is Dirty.
  • Note: If you are creating a Scheduled Email Template, the Is Dirty operator is not in the list as real time analysis of a field is required to determine an "Is Dirty" state.
  • Field supports the Active dataform setting. Available operators are Does Not Equal, Equals, and Is Dirty (if choosing the triggering form as the Source). Value options are Unchecked and Checked.
  • Note: If you are creating a Scheduled Email Template, the Is Dirty operator is not in the list as real time analysis of a field is required to determine an "Is Dirty" state.
  • You can Add Untriggered Fields dynamically as well as current, active, triggerable fields from the Source.
  • When you select Task as the Triggering Form in Step 1 Initial, the options for Field include all task fields. For example, when you select Send Notification, and this option is enabled in the Task, then the email notification is triggered.

To add a trigger field:

  1. In Field, go to the end of the list and select Add Untriggered Field.
    The Select an Untriggered Field dialog opens. Field contains a list of fields currently not marked as Triggerable.
  2. In Field, select an entry.
  3. Click Ok.
    The selected field is marked as triggerable and now appears in the Field list.

Choose the type of comparison. Each value from a Multi Lookup Trigger Field can be added as a separate "=" condition. This supports complex AND, OR, and NOT conditions as well.


  • Is Dirty is not available in the Operator list when the Source is set to something other than the Triggering Form.

  • If you are creating a Scheduled Email Template, the Is Dirty operator is not in the list as real time analysis of a field is required to determine an "Is Dirty" state.

Value The criteria against which the trigger field is compared. For a condition that is using a user datatype as the Field, the Value field uses a typeahead method so that you do not need to look up the User ID for the text field.

The label to use when constructing Condition Expressions for triggering. ClientSpace assigns a label to a new condition with the naming convention C#. For example, C1 for the first condition that you create, C2 for the second, and so on. You can change the label name by selecting the name of the label and typing a new name for the label. For example, you can select the C1 label and enter Condition1 as the new label name.

Tip: Make this label short and representative of the Trigger Field. Labels are used in the Condition Expression field.

Condition Expression

Allows for AND, OR, and NOT conditions using the trigger conditions (Label) from the Add section. Using the Label field that corresponds to the entries in the Add section, you can combine the conditions into more complex expressions. The Condition Expression field could state, for example (Condition1 AND Condition2) OR (Condition3 AND Condition4) OR Condition5. Condition Expressions adhere to AND/OR/NOT across tabbed dataform conditions. For a detailed explanation about conditions, see Condition expressions.

When the Condition Expression field is empty, the row entries are treated as OR conditions. Only one of the conditions must be met.

To clone a trigger condition:

To save some time, you can clone a trigger condition and then edit as appropriate.

  1. In the Add section, locate an entry that you want to copy.
  2. Click Clone.
    A new row opens, with the trigger condition copied. Source, Field, and Operator are copied.
  3. You can now edit the new condition as appropriate.
  4. Click Apply or Save.

To trigger conditions based on number of days/months/years from a date:

  1. Complete the form fields:


Select a Date or Date Time datatype field. This action makes the Aging operators available in Operator.

Note: When comparing Date to Date Time datatypes (or vice versa) 12:00:00AM is used as the comparison time for the Date datatype.


Select one of the following:

  • Aging (from now) > =
    • Greater than or equal to the number of days/months/years in Value.
  • Aging (from now) < =
    • Less than or equal to the number of days/months/years in Value.

The less than operator requires that the evaluated date occurs between the calculated date and today. It has to be between the date set in the configuration. For example, if the value is 6d, the from date must be between 6 days ahead and today.


Type a number accompanied by:

  • mm: for minutes
  • h: for hours
  • d: for days
  • m: for months
  • y: for years
  1. Click Apply or Save.

Putting it all together

The following example illustrates three conditions named 1, 2, and 3. The Condition Expression is (1 and 2) OR 3. The OR indicates that only one data point must be met. For an aging evaluation, this condition expression is looking for a date that is greater than 3 days and less than 12 days. Or, a date that is greater than 5 days.

  1. Click Next to proceed to Step 5: Attachments.