Specifying a friendly name as From Address

In Step 3 Addresses, you can specify an optional friendly name to display when the From Address uses AdHoc for Email Address Source. This makes it less likely that recipients will view the email as spam. When you select the AdHoc option, specify the Email Address and a From Friendly Name. The friendly name displays in the email along with the actual email address.

For example, let's say you want the friendly name to be your organization name and a function or department, such as PrismHR Support, along with support@prismhr.com as the actual email address. The email recipient would see:

PrismHR Support <support@prismhr.com>

To specify a friendly name:

  1. In the Email Template wizard, go to Step 3 Addresses.
  2. On From Address, select the Admin Email Address link.

The From Address Options dialog box opens.

  1. Select AdHoc and complete the form:

Email Address

Enter the from email address. This is the actual email address, such as support@prismhr.com.

From Friendly Name

Enter the friendly name that you want users to see, such as PrismHR Support.

  1. Click Ok.