Configuring "Exclude Attachments" Functionality

Optionally, you can set up the SendReply OR SendEmailIntegrationReply business rule to suppress attachments on case discussions.

ALERT:  SendReply and SendEmailIntegrationReply business rules are not compatible with each other. SendEmailIntegrationReply is used for the original version of the Case Discussions. It embeds a Send a Reply link in the email message. The newer SendReply business rule still supports the embedded Send a Reply link in the email message but also adds a "Reply above this line"/ Reply button at the top of the case discussion email thread. (See Configuring Case Discussion: Reply Above This Line for more details.) When configuring "Exclude Attachments" functionality, make sure you are configuring it only on the business rule your company uses.

To configure "Exclude Attachments":

  1. Go to System AdminAdvanced > Manage Rules.

    The Custom Logic Rules dashboard opens.
  2. Filter the list for the Table Name Discussion Message, highlight the Rule Title SendReply or SendEmailIntegrationReply as applicable and then click (Jump).
    The Rules Detail form opens.
  3. Under Method Parameters, click the ExcludeAttachments checkbox to place a check mark in it.
  1. Click Save.