Benefits Plan Management
Forms related to Benefits Plan management are accessed and managed from the Admin Workspace.
Accessing the Admin Workspace
There is more than one way to access the Admin Workspace:
From the modules bar, click
The Workspace Search dashboard opens.
Type "Admin" in the search box to filter the list of workspaces and locate Admin Workspace.
On the modules bar, on the right side, click <username> > Modules.
The Modules Search dashboard opens. The Admin Workspace is listed at the top of the dashboard.
Managing Benefit Plans
Once in the Admin Workspace, type "Benefits" in the dataform search box to display a list of available forms related to benefits.
Master benefits plans are set up and managed in the Admin Workspace on the Benefits Plan dataform. These plans can then be assigned to each client or prospect as offered benefits plans.
The type of plan in the Category field (i.e., Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Supplemental, etc.) determines the fields that become available in the Plan Design fieldset.
For example, the Category on the Benefits Plan dataform shown here is Vision:
When you scroll to the Plan Design fieldset of the Benefits Plan dataform, you see that a Vision Plan Design sub-fieldset is displayed and it only contains fields related to the Vision plan type:
Premium versus true cost: It is typical in master plans to have a markup on your premium so that you can track what you quoted (and should be billing) your clients, and compare this to what you are liable to the carrier. The category of the plan determines what plan summary fields become available.
Model Benefits Plans are located in the Admin Workspace and are template plans for commonly used client level benefits plans. They are set up with all of the details filled in except for the premium.
Client Level Benefits Plans are added directly to the prospect or client workspace. This is where you would use a model plan to copy a plan from the Admin Workspace to a client level plan.
Rate Groups are typically A through E rankings. However, they can sometimes be a Risk Factor percentage. You can set up groups on master plans. Or, if you need to manage banded plans, you can also add rate groups to client level plans. It supports premium versus true cost. First, you must set up and manage Rate Groups through a dataform, which is related to the Benefit Plan. Rate Groups can be configured as a percentage of the premium or as a specific premium amount per coverage level (EE, ES, EC, EK, EF).