Workspace Settings

The Workspace Settings form contains a list of settings that the system uses for a workspace. When setting workspace settings, you can set the workspace for use as a workspace template when creating or maintaining other workspaces.

The following graphic illustrates the Workspace Settings for a workspace.

The following graphic illustrates the Workspace Settings for template workspaces (System Admin > Workspace Templates).

To maintain workspace settings from a workspace:

  1. Open the Workspaces module.

    The Workspace Search dashboard displays.

  2. (Optional) Use the Quick Search and/or More search options to filter the items that display in the dashboard.

  3. Select (Jump) for the row that contains the workspace, or select the name of the workspace.

    The workspace opens.

  4. In the Action Center toolbar, click (More Options), and select Settings.

    The Workspace Settings form opens.

  5. Complete the form fields as necessary.

    Workspace Settings Fields
    Field Description
    Workspace Indicates the name of the workspace.
    Workspace Group Indicates the workspace group to associate with the workspace.
    Related Organization Indicates the name of an organization to associate with the workspace.
    Project Code Indicates a unique code to associate with the workspace.
    Description Enter text to describe the workspace.
    Use As Template

    Indicate whether to use these workspace settings as a template for use when creating or maintaining other workspaces.

    Note:  If you select this option, the system disables the Template field for the workspace settings. Designating a workspace as a template will make it available for cloning during workspace creation. Workspaces created from a template will inherit its users and dataforms. This action cannot be undone.


    Select a template to use as the base workspace settings for this workspace.

    Note:  Changing the workspace template will rebuild the workspace, inheriting the user and dataform values configured on the selected template.

    Allow Manual Creation

    (For Developer Use Only)

    Note:  This option is available when the Use As Template option is selected.

    Select this option to allow an administrator to use this workspace settings template when manually creating a workspace.

    Allow Import

    If this option is checked, the system will allow importing into this workspace.

    If this option is unchecked, the system does not allow importing into this workspace, and the system displays an error when a user attempts to import into this workspace.

    Note:  Only a developer user can select or deselect this option.

  6. Click Save.


To maintain workspace settings from a workspace template:

  1. Select System Admin

  2. Select Workspace Templates

    The Workspace Template Search dashboard displays.

  3. (Optional) Use the Quick Search and/or More search options to filter the items that display in the dashboard.

  4. Select (Jump) for the row that contains the workspace template, or select the name of the workspace template.

    The workspace template opens.

  5. In the Action Center toolbar, click (More Options), and select Settings.

    The Workspace Settings form opens.

  6. Complete the form fields as necessary.

    Workspace Settings Fields
    Field Description
    Workspace Indicates the name of the workspace.
    Workspace Group Indicates the workspace group to associate with the workspace.
    Related Organization Indicates the name of an organization to associate with the workspace.
    Project Code Indicates a unique code to associate with the workspace.
    Description Enter text to describe the workspace.
    Use As Template This field is not available to edit since the workspace settings were set as a template.
    Template This field is not available to edit since the workspace settings were set as a template.
    Allow Manual Creation

    Note:  This option is available when the Use As Template option is selected.

    Select this option to allow an administrator to use this workspace settings template when manually creating a workspace.

    Allow Import

    If this option is checked, the system will allow importing into this workspace.

    If this option is unchecked, the system does not allow importing into this workspace, and the system displays an error when a user attempts to import into this workspace.

    Note:  Only a developer user can select or deselect this option.

  7. Click Save.