Publishing and unpublishing workflows

When you return to the Workflow Channel search list, you can publish and unpublish items. The Workflow Channels list displays published Workflow Channels by default when opened initially.

Additionally, you can publish and unpublish sections of a workflow within a channel. You can publish and unpublish Workflow Channel items individually so that you can set up complex workflows without keeping the entire channel in the same published/unpublished state. Changing the publish/unpublish state for a workflow item does not affect any dependent workflow items. The dependent workflow items remain in their respective state. If the parent item of a child is unpublished, a warning message is issued.

To view unpublished Workflow Channels:

1. In More search, click Unpublished.
2. Alternatively, you can toggle the Status chiclet to Unpublished.
3. This action also displays the More search dialog. In the dialog, the Status options are All, Published, and Unpublished. When you change the status in More, the Status chiclet also changes.

To view published and unpublished Workflow Channels:

1. When viewing the Workflow Channels list, you can view both published and unpublished from More search > All.
2. Alternatively, while viewing the Workflow Channels list, you can also remove the Status chiclet by clicking the X.
3. This action displays both published and unpublished workflow channels.

To unpublish a Workflow Channel:

From the Workflow Channels list, while viewing published items, select the Published option. The entry is now unpublished.

To publish a Workflow Channel:

From the Workflow Channels list, while viewing unpublished items, select the Published option. The entry is now published.