Changing the display order of workflow items

You can adjust the display order of workflow items, so they present in a logical order. Changing the display order does not affect the triggering of workflow items but is merely a visual reference to better allow administrators to organize these lists. Workflow items are adjusted by numerical value. You can use negative numbers to move an entry above an item numbered 0 (zero).

To alter the display order of workflow items:

  1. Open a workflow channel with multiple workflow items.

    The Channel opens, with the Workflow Items listed. Note the column Display Order. In the following example, both workflow items have a display order of 0 (zero).

  1. To change the display order, select and open (double-click the item or ) the item you want to move. Let's move Benefits item.

    The item opens in the workflow wizard.
  2. In Display Order, type the new order number and click Save. For this example, let's change the order for Benefits item from 0 to 1.

You are returned to the Channel list of Workflow Items. Note the Display Order column now shows Benefits item as the second entry with the Display Order number set to 1.