Troubleshooting Salesforce API Issues
Issue 1: The Salesforce API process is frozen or stuck.
Potential Fix: In ClientSpace, open the Salesforce Sync Rest API Scheduled Process (System Admin > Advanced > Scheduled Processes, uncheck the Is Running checkbox and Save.
Issue 2: An access token error not granted error displays in the SFDC API Log report.
Potential Fix: Reset the security token in the Salesforce site (My Personal Information > Reset My Security Token). Then reset the password in the Salesforce site.
Issue 3: The following error displays in the SFDC API Log report: "Severe Error occurred; error=Cannot deserialize the currentJSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'ClientSpace.API.Salesforce.Rest.DescribeObjectResult' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) to deserialize correctly."
Potential Fix: Reset the username and password in the Salesforce site and in ClientSpace.