Gradient AI Risk

The Gradient AI Risk API in ClientSpace allows you to receive real-time assessments of your Pricing Console batch information worker's compensation predicted losses and a suggested premium (i.e., Target Premium) for each worker's compensation policy included in the batch.

Why do I care about this?

Real-time data determines the best worker's compensation policy pricing based on a variety of risk factors and your geographic region.

What does it do and how do I use it?

Gradient AI uses information from the States and Codes section of the Pricing Console such as State, Code, GrossPayroll, and EEs:

Gradient AI also uses historical worker's compensation loss information, if entered. Though this information is optional, providing it can greatly increase the accuracy of your results. Enter this information by clicking the Loss History link on the Pricing Batch dataform:

When you are ready to submit the pricing console information to Gradient AI, click the Submit To Gradient AI link.

Results are returned in real time. Click the Gradient AI Risk Underwriting link on the Pricing Batch dataform to view the results.

Gradient AI aggregates the results by worker's compensation policy. Therefore, you will see one line item listed per policy:

The Rating State column displays the state associated with the policy. If a policy includes multiple states under the same worker's compensation policy, the state with the most payroll displays as the Rating State:

Return to the Pricing Console main dataform to view results summary dashboard information at the top of the form. The dashboard on the left shows a summary of key information across all submitted worker's compensation policies. The dashboard on the right displays a summary of key information for each submitted policy:

Implementation procedure overview

A relationship and contract with Gradient AI is necessary to utilize the Gradient AI Risk API in ClientSpace. To integrate the Gradient AI Risk API proposal, you must work with ClientSpace Professional Services. For assistance, log an Extranet case. The following table lists the tasks and responsible group for implementing the ClientSpace Gradient AI Risk API integration.

Task Who performs this task?

Set up the API configuration

Professional Services

Enable the business rules

Professional Services

Review the Gradient AI Risk dataform security


Configure the Pricing Console > Pricing Batch dataform links to Gradient AI

Available in the application. May be enabled by Professional Services.

Identify and set up the workflow processes



Professional Services