External source linking

The External Source Linking table is used by the Salesforce API to link records in ClientSpace and Salesforce. The Import (IMPORT_externalsourcelinking_*.csv) allows you to update existing records in the External Source Linking table from the field Record Identifier. This field maps to the RowGUID field (unique identifier) of the external source linking record to ensure the import updates the correct row.

The API system has a supporting import that imports External Source Linking records into tblExternalSourceLinking. This imports new and existing records. The primary purpose of this import is to seed the external source linking record in preparation for implementing an integration, such as Salesforce.

This import is based on the following configurations:

  • Uses the PEO staging form gen_ImportExternalSourceLinking
  • Rule CreateExternalSourceLink must be configured on form gen_ImportExternalSourceLinking
  • No soft or hard errors are available during the import process

Using the dashboard

From the External Source Linking dashboard, you can manage the data contained in tblExternalSourceLinking. The dashboard is like a library of connections. The dashboard is accessible from System Admin > Imports > External Source Linking. It is also available from any dataform through the Action Center > More options > External Source Linking. You can perform searches, Add, Edit, and Delete records.

To access the dashboard:

  1. Go to System Admin > Imports > External Source Linking.
    The External Source Linking dashboard displays a list of API records.
  2. To open a record, click (Jump).
    The External Source Linking dialog box opens, showing the imported fields.
  3. You can review, add, edit, or delete entries.
    The fields and descriptions are as follows:

API Configuration

List of library connections.

ClientSpace Table Name

The ClientSpace table name for the selected API. Auto-filled.

ClientSpace Table, tblOrganization, tblContact, gen_Whatever


This is a generated ID for ClientSpace that maps to the External ID of the connection.

ClientSpace RowGUID for the ClientSpaceTableName table

External Object

Name of the external object. External Object Type, such as Account.

External Object ID

The ID of the external object that maps to the ClientSpace ID.

Export Status

The status of the external integration. This field is editable only by system admins. These values are modified by a system process.

Integration Log

Information about the integration. This field is modified by a system process.

  1. Click Save.

Accessing the dashboard from a workspace

The External Source Linking dashboard is also accessible from any dataform.

To access from a workspace:

  1. Go to a workspace.
  2. In the Action Center, in the toolbar, click (More Options).
    A list of links displays.
  3. Select Dataforms.
    A list of Workspace Dataforms is displayed.
  4. Select and open a dataform.
  5. In the Action Center, in the toolbar, click (More Options).
    A list of links displays.
  6. Select External Source Linking.
    You are taken to the External Source Linking dashboard.

User Imports

Users are imported into the External Source Linking table using the IMPORT_externalsourcelinking_*.csv import map. The ClientSpaceID value is tested against the Users table UserGUID field. If a match is found, the record is inserted into the linking table (non-matching ClientSpaceIDs cannot be inserted into this table).

The IMPORT_user*.csv import includes Immediate Supervisor and Default workspace. These fields are imported on both insert and update for internal users, and updates to external users (External users cannot be created from an import).

Why is API Configuration not Displaying and not Saving When Trying to Create an External Source Linking Record?

If a custom link uses a custom function that references an API configuration and that configuration is inactive, the system will then:

  • Will not display the existing external source linking record


  • Will not allow the creation of a new record using that inactive API configuration