ClientSpace Modules Overview
In this topic, we provide a brief overview of what each ClientSpace module does. There are 6 ClientSpace modules:
Review the main functionality highlights of each module below:
Lead & Opportunity Management -Track sales activity progress with organizations, contacts & activities.
Underwriting - Underwriting approvals, documents, notes, and pricing are all in kept in one easy to use place.
Pricing - Unparalleled pricing engine for creating the best and quickest opportunities plus commission tracking.
Proposals - Generate a Proposal, CSA, Exhibit A, etc. all with the push of a button.
Partner Integration - DocuSign allows you to sign proposals quick and easy. GradiantAI gives you the insights before bringing on a client. These are just two of the many partner integrations available.
Manage Sales records using customized Sales Home Pages.
Project Management Tracking with Milestones - Enjoy 24/7 visuals on where a client is in the onboarding process.
Implementation Reports - Easily modify reports to view the information you need.
Client Export to PrismHR via API - With just a push of a button, send your client information into Prism to create a client.
Manage records using the Implementation Home Page.
Workers’ Compensation (WC) Claims - Easily manage all claims from creating a new claim, to importing loss runs, to updating existing claims.
Workers’ Compensation Policies - View and renew all WC policies from all carriers in one place.
Reports - Generate OSHA, FROI and wage statement reports with the push of a button.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) Claims -Track your EPLI policies and claim data.
Certificate Of Insurance (COI) - Save time sending out certificates of insurance with our easy-to-use forms and reports.
Manage records using the Risk Home Page.
Core/Client Service
Cases and Tasks - Solve all of your client’s questions and concerns with cases and tasks.
Notifications and Workflows - Get notified via the workflows that work for you.
Unique Home Pages - Create as many home pages as your company needs.
Reports - Create reports containing your data.
API - Enjoy custom integration with Prism. If you need it, ask for additional API support.
Human Resources/HR
Employee Data Management - Access employee and employment data.
Unemployment Claims (UI) - Manage and track unemployment claims.
Leave of Absence (LOA)/Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - Manage and track LOA and FMLA items.
State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) Integration - Efficiently and seamlessly submit unemployment claims to SIDES through ClientSpace.
Manage records using the Unemployment Home Page.
Benefit Plan Renewal - Renew benefits plans with the push of a button.
Plan Selection, Contributions, and Pricing - Set up plans, contributions and pricing.
Plan Comparison Worksheet - Quickly download a client facing benefit plan comparison (in Excel).
Client Plan and Pricing -API Feed to PrismHR - Effortlessly send benefit plans and pricing into PrismHR.