Adding dataform tabs

Create the tabbed dataforms in Dataform Administration, ensuring that you include a Parent Form datatype field, configured to point at the Parent form where you would like the tab to appear.


  • You can add up to five tabs to a parent dataform. If you need to add more than the default limit, please log a case in the Extranet.

  • If the parent form and the tabbed form have one or more identically named fields between them, a validation error message similar to the following displays listing all conflicts that must be cleared before the tab relationship can be saved:


To add dataform tabs:

  1. Go to System Admin > Advanced > Dataform Admin.
    The Dataform Admin dashboard opens.
  2. Search for the parent dataform and open the form.
    The Dataform Properties form opens.
  3. In the Action Center, click Tabbed Forms.
    The Tabbed Forms list displays.
  4. Click Add.
    The Tabbed Form dialog box opens.

  1. In the Dataform list, select the tabbed dataform.
  2. Provide a Display Order (this is the order in which the tabs will appear at the top of the dataform). The display order is numeric.
  3. Click Ok.